3781 videos
My skills & CV curriculum vitae - Video Curriculum vitae
linux media personnality curiculum vitae around linux, devops, forth, bash, python, ansible, terraform cloud, openstack, aws skills and so on ...
Pytla - "o vitaeapisie" - #10
SPN Wolne Pszczoły & Pytla - rozmowy o pszczołach.
Tutorial: SER SIP Express Router - P.Culurciello, A.DeVita - Wokshop GARR 2009
Titolo: Tutorial: SER SIP Express Router Evento: Workshop GARR 2009 Speaker: Pierpaolo CulurcielloEnte: GARR
Andrea De VitaEnte: CNR
ViTEST (EPFL) #OvergraduateGrandPrizeWinner
For European winegrowers facing deadly plant diseases like Flavescence Dorée and Bois Noir, four weeks can be too long to wait for a diagnosis. This team from Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne built a field-deployable test that gives farmer...
VITVellore: PETrify-Unbottling the Future, One Bottle at a Time (2023) - Project Promotion [English]
Title: PETrify-Unbottling the Future, One Bottle at a Time
Description: Our current project focuses on biologically degrading PET bottles; which are a common source of microplastic entry into the human body. These PET bottles often clearl...
50 channels
Game playthroughs with no commentary
matthew dobrosky vitterd mattmoments
The president of poster protection programs everywhere - matthew dobrosky from Reading Pennsylvania USA aka vitterd king vitty aka matty ice/matty lice/olive branch/air vitty/bitcherd/clitterd/courtney/big gay queen/vitturd/vittard/ratterd/ratturd/rattard/tard/turd/vitch/mattmoments/kingmoments3220/mattymoments etc this Gx stooge🤡 has literally been the earless triple bummed heinous anus chinned brandon lang of online forums since the early 2000s claiming to bet more in one day than anyone else bets all year and to win more than anyone does as well all without being able to show any proof of it all…was last posting shit at TheGx Forum and now claims to be selling losing sports picks for $2499.99 while still pretending to bet real money everyday and while still being the most hated and laughed at stooge🤡 everywhere…🐀💩 and her🐀💩 stooge🤡 nation are the biggest lying scumbag frauds the world has ever seen… yer p⁵4life 💩🐀 yer all p⁵4lifers🖕🤌