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24 videos

TAU_Israel: Communique A generic platform for designing genes with selective act... (2021) - Team Presentation [English]

Title: Communique A generic platform for designing genes with selective activity in microbial communities

Description: Microbiomes include networks of microorganisms that share genetic information via horizontal gene transfer. Most bac...

TAU_Israel: sTAUbility (2020) - Team Presentation [English]

Title: sTAUbility - an innovative approach to increase the genetic stability of heterologous genes

Abstract: A key challenge in the field of synthetic biology is genomic instability of introduced genes. Once a gene is inserted into a hos...

TAU_Israel: sTAUbility (2020) - Project Promotion [English]

Abstract: With the help of Phillip, a somewhat frustrated lab worker, you will get to know the problem of genomic stability in the world of synthetic biology and how it affects the work of each of us. We provide a solution using sophisticated soft...

TAU-Israel: Ctrl C: Your Ultimate Solution for Controlling Plasmid Copy Number (2023) - Project Promotion [English]

Title: Ctrl C: Your Ultimate Solution for Controlling Plasmid Copy Number

Description: In our iGEM project, 'CtrlC,' we're developing a user-friendly web tool that empowers scientists with the entire gradient of ColE1-like plasmid copy nu...

1 channel


The content on this channel is presented with permission from FermiLab.

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory is the premier particle physics lab in the United States. Founded as the National Accelerator Laboratory in 1967, it was renamed after physicist Enrico Fermi in 1974. Since its inception, Fermilab has been a world leader in particle physics, with discoveries including the bottom quark, top quark and tau neutrino, three of the elementary particles that make up our universe.

Fermilab is home to approximately 1,700 scientists, engineers, technicians and support staff, and hosts about 2,500 visiting scientists from around the world. The laboratory is operated by the Fermi Research Alliance for the U.S. Department of Energy. More information can be found at

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