925 videos
Sam Sole at PI on South African Constitutional Court judgment
On 6 February 2021, the Constitutional Court of South Africa declared unconstitutional years of secret and unchecked surveillance by South African authorities against millions of people - irrespective of whether they reside in South Africa. We spo...
Pi.Alert or WatchYourLAN can alert you to unknown devices appearing on your WiFi or LAN network
You can self-host these open source apps that will regularly scan the devices connected to your WIFI / LAN and alert you the connection of unknown devices. Pi.Alert has a few extras like warning of the disconnection of "always connected" devices, ...
Comparing performance of Lucre2D (alpha experiment) to Processing on a Pi 4
I quickly hacked together a 2D graphics layer for my functional-reactive / dataflow model 'Lucre', with a Processing inspired front API, which allowed me to translate the 'Tree' L-System sketch by Daniel Shiffman. While running smoothly on a lapto...
Pi Pico capacitive proximity sensor test
After giving up on the Pi 4, another attempt with the capsense library of CircuitPython on a Pi Pico. The resistor has a few mega ohms; with the correct threshold (which changes according to environment ...) one gets quite a good reading.
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