18 results found:
18 videos
Anna - Montgomery
Late nights in Kathmandu (2012)
The SAFIRE Project: Transformative Technology | Montgomery Childs & Michael Clarage
Montgomery Childs holds a number board certifications related to applied physics, mechanical engineering, statistics, and computational fluid dynamics. As the founder of Aurtas International he is the creator, chief scientist, ...
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer With Christmas Greetings From Montgomery 1948
Bring You some Old Classic's Hope You enjoy the public domain, King public domain is my name public domain is my game.
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Red-Nosed Reindeer With Christmas Greeti...
A Digital Media Primer For Geeks by Christopher "Monty" Montgomery and Xiph.org
This first video from Xiph.Org presents the technical foundations of modern digital media via a half-hour firehose of information. One community member called it "a Uni lecture I never got but really wanted."
The program offers a brief history of...