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57 videos

Latvia-Riga: Crocin biosynthesis in the unconventional yeast Rhodotorula toruloides (2022) - Project Promotion [English]

Title: Crocin biosynthesis in the unconventional yeast Rhodotorula toruloides

Description: Crocin is a carotenoid compound primarily responsible for the color of saffron. It has been shown to exhibit antioxidant, neuroprotective agent, an...

Latvia-Riga: Full Circle (2023) - Project Promotion [English]

Title: Full Circle

Description: Chemically synthesized cyclic peptide drugs have been on the market for decades with valuable bioactive properties. But with the recent discovery of the molecular mechanism behind the cyclisation of peptide...

Latvia-Riga: Full Circle: Advancing Cyclic Peptide production using BURP Domain ... (2023) - Team Presentation [English]

Title: Full Circle: Advancing Cyclic Peptide production using BURP Domain proteins

Description: BURP domains are a class of plant proteins that catalyze the cyclization of small peptide motifs, that have a potential to generate cyclic pep...

Latvia-Riga: HypoSense — Shining Light on Oxygen Deprivation (2024) - Project Promotion [English]

Title: HypoSense — Shining Light on Oxygen Deprivation

Description: Although cancer therapies have improved significantly during the last decades, cancer-associated mortality is still the second most common cause of death for both genders...

4 channels


audio visual / new media artist, event producer and curator based in Latvia.


audio visual / new media artist, event producer and curator based in Latvia.

2 playlists

Tracing the Trails: for Inclusive Culture in Unequal Times

View the recordings of our 2024 annual conference, which took place in Riga, Latvia on June 4th-6th.

Opening Doors to the World through Song

Seattle Peace Chorus performed international songs from gospel and classical traditions—from Cuba, Greece, Russia, South Africa, Latvia, Italy, and the Americas—from our 40-year history of singing for peace and justice.

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