23 videos
Machine & Piston | Let's Build It In Blender
In this episode, learn with Chunck how to take a robotic mesh and develop a robust rig using Inverse Kinematics and Constraints!
Make sure to vote in our next poll: https://www.youtube.com/post/Ugy4GJciDO1DVSVOAOJ4AaABCQ
Access to the workin...
Teaser-video for an upcoming Blog-Article series:
CNC machine tuning in three steps
Step1: https://blog.schallbert.de/cnc-tuning-gcode/
Step2: https://blog.schallbert.de/cnc-tuning-kinematics/
Step3: https://blog.schallbert.de/cnc-tuning-pat...
rt-COSMIK (first results October 2024)
This video show case the new rt-COSMIK (realtime Constrained OpenSource Multibody Inverse Kinematics) pipeline for markerless realtime 3D human pose estimation in the context of collaborative robotics.
Arthur Morgan Had a Moment Before Getting Destroyed By Boar #shorts
Red Dead Redemption 2 cinematics are amazing, but also prone to the wonderful weirdness of the game itself.
See my adventures in Red Dead Redemption 2 right here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQw3PDw5vA4A26MwWN1QT3qQgQX4hYUoG
3 channels
The Minetest Cinnematic Series
A collection of cinematics featuring mods, builds, servers, and mapgens for the Minetest game engine.
Major Effort
Gaming focused content – may include cinematics, gameplay recordings or just archival footage.