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16 videos

TV5 Monde - 64mn - L'hégémonie de Google ?

Pierre-Yves Gosset, délégué général de Framasoft, interviewé dans le "Grand angle" du "64 minutes" de TV5 Monde au sujet de la position hégémonique de Google. 09/11/2014
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Without a hegemonic Communist Party Labour can never be transformed into a vehicle for socialism

Kevin Bean is a member of the Labour Party Marxist steering group.
Part of Communist University 2021 summer. Organised by CPGB ( and Labour Party Marxists (
***The views in this video do no...

Winter CU 2021: Hillel Ticktin - System and hegemons. Can relative decline be reversed?

Winter Communist University 2021 was co-sponsored by the Communist Party of Great Britain ( and Labour Party Marxists ( It took place from January 8-10 2021 on Zoom. The views in these vide...

Comment les idées d’extrême-droite sont devenues hégémoniques. Frédérique Mantonti

📢 #AuPoste
Libertés publiques, politique, ciné, littérature & contre-filatures. Depuis 2021, l'émission invite chercheurs, écrivains, philosophes, avocats, historiens, punks, policiers en rupture, écoterroristes. Déjà + de 800h de live, 300 invi...

1 channel

Global Order Of Satan

The Global Order of Satan is an international collection of communal Orders, helping to grow Satanic idealism and self worship, while protecting those who are oppressed by overbearing religious hegemony.

As atheists we believe in neither gods nor devils. Our ideology is instead rooted in courage, compassion, science, the self, and in rituals of introspection. These ideals are enshrined in our Founding Pillars.

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