11 videos
Gargoyle Router Firmware
A walkthrough of Gargoyle router firmware, why you should setup hostnames for your devices, and how to block IoT devices.
Overview GUI Gargoyle based on OpenWrt 19.07-SNAPSHOT TP-Link 3420 v5
TP-Link 3420 is not officially supported by Gargoyle. This video aims to show you what the software can do and whether it suits you. Image with improvements downloaded from eko.one.pl. The device does not work properly due to the message "Router s...
Gargoyles: Disney's Perfect Fantasy Cartoon | Retrospective/Review
A review of 1994-1997's mythological/ubran fantasy/scifi animated series made by Disney and now available on Disney+. The premise concerns nocturnal protectors of a Scottish castle being awakened from a sleeping spell in 90s New York. It's impress...
01 - Gargoyle - #Mathctober
Voici #mathctober, un challenge que je me lance sur le mois d'octobre. Chaque jour, une nouvelle mini vidéo sur un sujet ultra random, à partir d'une liste de thème imposé. Combien de temps vais-je tenir ?...
Elden Ring: Valiant Gargoyle Duo | Boss battle
First instants of the fight cut out because of XBox One video recording restrictions.