7 videos
The "No One Cares" Show, Ep.38: Scoundrels to the Left of Me, Fools to the Right
In which the particulars of YouTube's deepening downward spiral are compared to Gab doubling down on Evangelocon Boomer-dom, and we (once again) advise against being serf to any online master.
UPDATE: YouTube has "clarified" their ToS, and the ...
PORTER – Behind The Banlieue (Official Single Version)
GENOSHA – Chapter II
In times of deepening social rifts, you can hole up in your social bubble, pull the information-dampening blanket over your sheltered head and hope that everything will be fine. But what does this "good" mean for whom? Am I n...
Affinity: Beyond Friendship
Affinity is exactly this: a reciprocal knowledge between comrades, shared analysis that lead to prospectives of action. Affinity is therefore directed on one hand towards theoretical deepening and on the other towards intervention in social confli...
Toward the moral objectivity of GNU
LibrePlanet 2022 videos
This talk is titled "Toward the moral objectivity of GNU," will be presented by Blair Vidakovich.
Blair is a community organizer and software freedom advocate from Perth, Western Australia. He advocates for a deepening an...
Affinity: Beyond Friendship
Affinity is exactly this: a reciprocal knowledge between comrades, shared analysis that lead to prospectives of action. Affinity is therefore directed on one hand towards theoretical deepening and on the other towards intervention in social confli...
1 channel

The Center for Sciences, Prospective, Creativity and Fiction, abbreviated as the STRING Center, is a non-patrimonial association of researchers in the field of technical sciences and humanities, prospective sciences and futurology, creativity, invention and innovation, creators and science fiction publicists from among the enthusiasts of these fields. C.S.P.C.F. has an unlimited duration of operation and ensures the necessary legal organizational framework for young people and adults interested in broadening and deepening knowledge in the fields of: frontier and complexity sciences, literary and artistic creation, development and stimulation of creativity, imagination and inventiveness in the sphere of research and innovation . C.S.P.C.F. aims to assert and protect the interests of creators in the fields of: science, art, science fiction, political fiction, scientific researchers and fans, members and other professional associations.