Sepia Search

441 results found:

437 videos

ASU: Protocol for the Transformation of c. reinhardtii (2022) [English]

An instructional video showing a specific technique of cellular transformation in c. reinhardtii using the glass bead transformation method. Multiple variations of this protocol exist in literature, however, this adapted version gave our team the ...

ASU: ASU x QGEM Podcast H2bio Episode 1: Dr. Brown (2022) [English]

Episode 1 of the ASU x QGEM podcast H2bio, featuring Dr. Brown. In this series of podcasts, we (the ASU and QGEM teams) have discussions with various professionals in the fields of water decontamination, synthetic biology, and bioethics speak to u...

ASU: Low Tech Filter Design (2022) [English]

A Low-Tech version of ASU iGEM's water filter. In contrast to the high-tech version, the low-tech filtration system is cheaper and less complicated in design due to fewer moving parts and fewer tasks it needs to complete. It is intended for farm o...

ASU: High Tech Filter Design (2022) [English]

Arizona State University's high-tech filtration system that utilizes our strain of C. reinhardtii to remove arsenic as part of a total water treatment system.

While this design provides an investigation of possible uses of arsenic-uptaking alg...

ASU: ASU x QGEM Podcast H2bio Episode 3: Dr. Rosa Krajmalnik-Brown (2022) [English]

Episode 3 of the ASU x QGEM podcast H2bio, featuring Dr. Rosa Krajmalnik-Brown. In this series of podcasts, we (the ASU and QGEM teams) have discussions with various professionals in the fields of water decontamination, synthetic biology, and bioe...

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