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Delta upgrades revisited

by Julian Andres Klode

At: DebConf18

Upgrades often involve redownloading package content that is already on your system, wasting bandwidth, and thus potentially time. debdelta has...

32 channels

Kairus Art+Research

Kairus is a collective of two artists Linda Kronman (Finland) and Andreas Zingerle (Austria). They explore topics such as vulnerabilities in IoT devices, corporatization of city governance in Smart Cities and citizen sensitive projects in which technology is used to reclaim control of our living environments. Their practice based research is closely intertwined with their artistic production, adopting methodologies used by anthropologists and sociologist, their artworks are often informed by archival research, participation observations and field research. Besides the artworks they publish academic research papers and open access publications to contextualize their artworks to wider discourses such as data privacy & security, activism & hacking culture, disruptive art practices, electronic waste and materiality of the internet.
Kairus has been awarded the Outstanding Artist Awards 2022 by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Arts and Culture.

Zamdoa Podcast

Runs the critical podcast from Bavaria "Zamdoa"
Member of FAU Munich | Free Workers Union