Sepia Search

27 results found:

27 videos

NATO supports Afghan evacuees

In August, more than 120,000 people were flown out on hundreds of Allied flights, one of the largest airlifts in history. NATO has worked around the clock to coordinate evacuations from Afghanistan.

Now, NATO and Allies are supporting the safe r...

Afghan Massacre: The Convoy Of Death - Trailer

The greatest atrocity of the Afghan war

Watch the full film on Journeyman:
For downloads and more information visit:

Telling the horrific journey undertaken by thou...

Du feu, des contes et un dossier sur le conflit afghan / Septembre 2021

Première partie du podcast du « Diplo » de septembre 2021, « Guerres sans fin et passe sécuritaire ». Un parcours sonore dans le numéro en kiosques, autour de quelques articles.

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