10000 videos
Can We Build a Giant Ocean Wall to Stop Sea Level Rise?
Is unavoidable sea level rise an engineering problem, do we have the capabilities for a technological fix? https://climatestate.com/2018/10/30/can-we-build-a-giant-ocean-wall-to-stop-sea-level-rise/
Le LBO géant de RJR Nabisco (1/2) - Wall Street Stories #1 - Heu?reka
Wall Street a de nombreuses histoires à raconter ! Je vous propose de découvrir l'histoire incroyable de RJR Nabisco, une entreprise américaine géante rachet...
Le LBO géant de RJR Nabisco (2/2) - Wall Street Stories #1 - Heu?reka
Wall Street a de nombreuses histoires à raconter ! Je vous propose de découvrir l'histoire incroyable de RJR Nabisco, une entreprise américaine géante rachet...
A Giant task for Isaac Heeney 👀 #afl #footy #sydneyderby [7383090566487182610]
A Giant task for Isaac Heeney 👀 #afl #footy #sydneyderby by afl
3411 channels

Jo Kingly videos
Video about a variety of different subjects in one of three categories: actioneering, artistry and authoring. I expect to be making videos about art, technology, cryptocurrency, retro-tech, and more...
Content is always posted here before Youtube, to get the fediverse ahead of the tech giant monoliths.

Main infosecbytes channel
Infosec Bytes is a video tutorial project based at the Centre for Investigative Journalism in London.
We make short educational videos for journalists explaining the risks of using information technology, and how to mitigate them.
Infosec Bytes is made possible with a generous grant by the Logan Foundation.
Site: http://infosecbytes.org
Twitter: @infosec_bytes
Centre for Investigative Journalism: http://www.tcij.org
Logan Foundation: http://www.loganfdn.org/
1110 playlists
TROM II: A Message to the Aliens (documentary)
We live in a world where everyone is busy, everyone is consumed, everyone seems confused. Money, social credits, ads, data collection, prices and billionaires. Climate change? Who cares!
A one-marble world, floating in a giant soup of stars and planets, clustered in donut-shaped galaxies.
What are these humans living for?
In a 5 hour, 4 parts documentary, we try to explore their world, to understand what makes them human, what makes them enslave their kind, destroy their habitat, and be unaware of their place in this universe. But also what makes them so special.
Through the lives of 5 humans, we look at the culture that creates them, their struggles growing up on this planet, and where they are headed toward.
Little Bug EP
A smol EP for human kind. A giant leap for me. This is my first release that is entirely produced using Cooperative software (AKA FLOSS). As in: no hardware!! Yes! it is also my first release in over a decade where all the synths and drum machines are software modules. It features flute and sax from the talented Randulo, and I am happy to share it with you.
Let me know what you think!