158 results found:
158 videos
To My Great-Granddaughter (:30) - University of Phoenix
We don't just study for ourselves. We sacrifice, struggle, and persevere so the people we love can live a better life, for generations to come.
Lobbyisten - Die stille Macht im Land (phoenix 2018)
Lobbyisten - Die stille Macht im Land (phoenix 2018)
Generaldebatte des Bundestags: Rede von Alice Weidel (AfD) am 07.09.22
Generaldebatte im Bundestag in der Haushaltswoche zum Bundeshaushalt 2023: Rede Rede von Alice Weidel (Fraktionsvorsitzende AfD)
Together / 1901 / Fragments of Time
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↝ Daft Punk & Phoenix / Rencontre Nocturne
Together - Together [ROULÉ]
Phoenix - 1901 [GLASSNOTE]
Daft Punk feat. ...
Proverbs 16 - He That Ruleth His Spirit
King James Bible Sermon from Proverbs 16 on Ruling your spirit. Preached on 11/17/16