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169 videos

How London is finally (slowly) turning into a bike city

In my ongoing series of videos trying to learn something about bike friendliness from other cities, today I'm in London for the first time. But rather than just floundering around on the wrong side of the road, I enlisted some help to see how Lond...

Demo day and froggy forest #082

With my bedroom slowly turning into a plant nursery, I use any okay day to work in the garden and make progress there. This time, I continued the demolition of the second hut. Tearing down the shed is far from done, but I called it a day to enjoy ...

Why, Phil? #04 Qtractor : From Loop to Song

In this 4th episode the cheesy EDM loop we made in the previous installments, is slowly turning into a classy bossa cantata :D crossed between a Pet Shop Boys circa 1990 prelude (think "I want a dog") and 2017 mall music with a soul (don't think a...

Microsoft is Turning Windows Into an Advertising Platform

In this video I explain how Microsoft is slowly turning Windows into an advertising platform.

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3 channels

A Slave is A Slave

<a href="" rel="nofollow">LibriVox</a> recording of A SLAVE IS A SLAVE, by H. Beam Piper.
Read by Phil Chenevert

The Galactic Empire is slowly 'welcoming' into the family of civilized worlds those systems so far off in the backwater of the galaxy that they have been overlooked and ignored for the past 500 years or so. This is purely routine work because every planet offered the chance has eagerly accepted the invitation. Mainly because the enlightened Empire lets the planetary government continue to rule and do whatever it wants...with a few minor restrictions of course; and because the they are shown what happens to planets who decide not to accept the invitation.

Aditya is the system in question here. Forgotten for almost a millennium but surviving, thank you very much, with an economy based entirely on slavery. Everyone is a slave except for the few thousand Lords Master. What happens when the this type of society meets the Constitution of the Galacti

Local Wildlife

Since moving home to Scotland I've been slowly becoming engrossed in the photography of the birds and wildlife around us, this is where I'd like to share some that with you all.

3 playlists


More like Deltapain amirite

More seriously, Deltapaint is a piece of accessibility art software that I built for myself. It let me make art hands-free! Slowly! Watch and suffer!

GrafX2 and Chill

Despite the name, this really is just a series of chill pixel art streams I did a few years back. Sit back, get cozy, and watch a canvas slowly come to life before your eyes...