4558 videos
NASA | BEST: Living on the Moon
The Beginning Engineering, Science, and Technology (BEST) team teaches a playful lesson about the challenges of living away from planet Earth. There's no free delivery in outer space!
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BUCT-China: The Future Food Cultured Meat (2021) - Team Presentation [English]
Title: The Future Food Cultured Meat
Description: Mankind has never stopped exploring the universe. With the development of science and technology, space migration is no longer a dream. Among the many problems of space migration, our te...
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2017 Annual Wrap Up: News Trends & Stories, Part II with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell
In the second part of the News Trends & Stories coverage for the Solari Report 2017 Annual Wrap Up, Dr. Joseph P. Farrell and Catherine Austin Fitts cover the 10 top stories in Culture and Science, Space & Technology and discuss UnAnswered Questio...
NOVA scienceNOW | NOVA Short | An Elevator to Space?
Join NOVA scienceNOW host Neil deGrasse Tyson as he visits the LiftPort Group in Bremerton, Washington. The entrepreneurs and engineers at LiftPort think space elevators aren't just a wild idea; they've staked their corporation on the concept. NOV...
255 channels

Loops is an event series that explores current questions facing our society at the intersection of art, science and technology in a unique discursive format. Afterwards, the Bar provides a space for exchange between guests, researchers, students and the public.

Man and Atom
The controlled release of intra-atomic energy through the medium of the fission chain reaction must be counted among the greatest scientific achievements of the human mind. The fact that this energy now heats and lights homes, and turns the wheels of industry, from Argentina to Korea, is a true sign of hope in our times.
The videos in this channel will lean heavily toward science & technology topics, with an emphasis on nuclear energy & space travel. I have a number of relevant films which I hope to get transferred, as available funds permit.
Note about rights : The educational and public–information films presented here were typically produced for royalty–free public exhibition. Inspection of USAEC and IAEA film catalogs shows that these or similar films were also, generally, permitted for television broadcast. Sharing them here seems only appropriate.
127 playlists
Before the Future Came Clips
Clips from my utopian science fiction podcast Before the Future Came!
If you want to hear more of us examining utopian science fiction (and eventually Star Trek) works, you can subscribe to Before the Future Came in so many places: Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Podcasts, PocketCasts, good ol' RSS, or by searching in your podcatcher of choice.