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1453 videos

Werner Bonefeld: The nature of the bourgeois state

The radical academic and founder of the 'Open Marxism' school spoke at the CPGB's weekend school on the Fundamentals of political econmy on January 21-22 2012 in London. Werner spoke on "The nature of the bourgeios state and its place in liberal p...

FOSS4G 2022 | Calculating school catchment areas - an open source solution

In many countries, access to schooling is one of the key measures of performance of the education system. It is not always known how long learners walk to school, even if the buffer distance is set by policy. GISPO teamed up with the UNESCO International Institute of Educational Planning (IIEP) to study the problem.

The result is a new QGIS plugin (“Catchment”) which allows easily calculating catchment areas based on travel time (isochrones), for all schools across a whole territory. The plugin uses the open source Graphhopper routing server and OpenStreetMap data across the globe. This allows us to easily find out how many people live e.g. 15, 30 or 60 minutes away from education in different parts of a country.

Further, the development of the plugin triggered a campaign of local OpenStreetMap mapping in Madagascar, which was one of the first countries to pilot the plugin. Having more roads mapped on OpenStreetMap has an impact far beyond educational planning.

Naturally, the same plugin may also be used for calculating all kinds of service catchment areas in QGIS; it was also employed to e.g. calculate access to rail transit across Helsinki metropolitan region.

Riku Oja
Amelie A. Gagnon


High School SynBio Summit

High School SynBio Summit aims to revitalize synthetic biology in high school by incorporating iGEM teams, iGEM alumni, and the general public through collaborative projects. Learn more:

UK Parliament and World War II video (primary school)

In this video pupils will learn about some of the laws passed during World War II, including the rationing of food and the evacuation of children from cities when the bombs began to fall.

Find out more and download the resource pack:


Joseph Isaacs - To Grow a Flower / Words

To Grow a Flower and Words performed New Years Eve 2024 with flute, lead guitar, and bass. Joined by Kevin Cole on flute, Rob Hinkal on bass, and Juels Bland on lead guitar. Performed in Takoma Park School of Musical Traditions.

45 channels

MOOC Apprendre Open Source

Composé de 31 vidéos diffusées sous licence libre (CC By-SA 4.0), ce MOOC est coproduit par l'Open Source School et la Société Générale. Spécialiste du sujet, Benjamin Jean y partage ses grandes clefs de compréhension de l’Open Source.

Mooc Comprendre l'Open Source

Composé de 31 vidéos diffusées sous licence libre (CC By-SA 4.0), ce MOOC est coproduit par l'Open Source School et la Société Générale. Spécialiste du sujet, Benjamin Jean y partage ses grandes clefs de compréhension de l’Open Source.

15 playlists

Mooc Apprendre l'Open Source

Composé de 31 vidéos diffusées sous licence libre (CC By-SA 4.0), ce MOOC est coproduit par l'Open Source School et la Société Générale. Spécialiste du sujet, Benjamin Jean y partage ses grandes clefs de compréhension de l’Open Source.

School Plastic Free Movement

Erasmus+ Project KA3 – Support for Policy Reform 621506-EPP-1-2020-1-IT-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN

Questo network ha due obiettivi fondamentali: trovare ritmi più vicini alla natura di cui siamo parte integrante e produrre il minor spreco possibile. A partire dalla scuola, nelle scuole stesse, Nelle associazioni, nelle famiglie, vogliamo usare la creatività degli studenti e dei bambini per cambiare le abitudini degli adulti.