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82 videos

Peru: Familiares sobrevivientes de la Masacre de Acomarca 1985

Video del recuerdo de algunxs sobrevivientes a esa masacre.

El 14 de Agosto de 1985, la Patrulla Militar Lince 7, asesinaron a 69 comunerxs de Acomarca, en lxs que incluían 23 niñxs.

Sin embargo, para El Estado y lxs anticomunistas, cuando h...

UPCH_Peru: CRIOPROT (2020) - Project Promotion [English]

Abstract: How can we mitigate the crop damage due to frost season? Our team proposed to develop an antifreeze product based on antifreeze proteins in order to apply it externally to the plants. This way we try to improve the quality of life of the...

UPCH_Peru: CrioPROT: An innovative solution for crop loss due to frost. (2020) - Team Presentation [English]

Title: CrioPROT: An innovative solution for crop loss due to frost

Abstract: In the Peruvian highlands, frosts during the winter cause crop damage leading to significant economic losses for small and medium scale farmers, perpetuating the...

FDR-HB_Peru: ChocoCadmium: Detection and Bioremediation of Cadmium in the Peruvi... (2021) - Project Promotion [English]

Title: ChocoCadmium: Detection and Bioremediation of Cadmium in the Peruvian Cacao Industry

Description: More than 50,000 Peruvians earn a living through the cultivation and production of cacao, and with the EU’s new regulations for maxim...

1 playlist

South America Vlog

Follow our trip through Peru and Ecuador!