651 videos
--doctor Ardis--Do you believe the idea of Big Pharma--
Do you believe the idea of Big Pharma is to convince as many people as possible to think they need to rely on taking medicines for life??🤯
🔗 THE WHITE RABBIT 👁 (http://t.me/thedailyrabbit
Doctor Lee Merritt Warns- This Is An Extinction Level Event!
Doctor Lee Merritt Warns- This Is An Extinction Level Event!
[PERSONAL NOTE: Sorry I had spaced out this series and have not posted it in a very long time. Picking up where it left off, sorry to anyone who was watching the series but judging by the previous views, NOT MANY were watching these...
[TEASER] Doctor Deathray - Ain't Got Heaven - Live @ Analog Revolution Put on a Show - March 26, 2022
Doctor Deathray, Taxdan, DJ Sundog, and The Goop perform the original song Ain't Got Heaven at the first monthly Analog Revolution Talk Show. The whole thing will be available online in ...
27 channels

Doctor Popular
Yo-yo videos, tutorials, and things I see around San Francisco.
4 playlists
Encuentro de fans de Doctor en Alaska
En noviembre de 2018 varias personas fans de la mítica serie «Doctor en Alaska» nos reunimos en Reznos, un pequeño pueblo de Soria de apenas 10 habitantes en invierno, que se convirtió en Cicely por un día.
Dr John Campbell
Doctor of nursing Dr John Campbell discusses many interesting aspects of the so-called covid-19 so-called pandemic. He also produces educational videos regarding nursing and medicine.