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1913 videos

A Darwin Tide

Darwin, the capital of Australia's Northern Territory, is a port city that experiences very significant tidal ranges. This timelapse video was shot over a full day on 13 January 2017, and shows the range from a very low tide, to high.

8 playlists

Evolution of life

L’année 2009 a fêté le bicentenaire de la naissance de Charles Darwin et les 150 ans de son ouvrage « l’Origine des espèces ».

A cette occasion, le SCEREN-CNDP, la LMU (Munich), le CNRS et la WWU (Münster) ont produit des ressources originales afin de comprendre les principes de l’évolution.

Nix Your Bugs #5

One year after our first Nix & Rust meetup, we are meeting again in Heidelberg for our first anniversary! 🎊 Note that for the first time, this meetup is only about Nix and NixOS, the declarative package manager and Linux distribution. Mac (Nix on darwin) users are welcome as well! Our Rust Your Engines anniversary meetup for the Rust programming language will be announced separately.

The event is organized by Hackerstolz, a non-profit association from Mannheim with a focus on digital education. We are always looking for new active members, and for students, membership is free. If you are interested in organizing workshops, meetups or hackathons related to digital education and/or technology, get in touch with us at the meetup or send an email to We'd love to welcome you and support you in organizing new events.