161 videos
(1995) Inside Edition - Confessions of a Internet Addict
In the 90s the internet was about chat rooms and dial up connections, but it was just as addictive for some people.
Inside Edition Flashback
A bike exploration exposing why stroads are so bad in North American cities
There's a route in my city that I've hated for years. It's bad to drive on. It's bad to ride a bike on. It's bad to walk on. But I never could really put my finger on why it was so loathsome until I read the new @strongtowns book Confessions of a ...
Why your next embedded project should be written in Go
Confessions of a recovering C developer
Speakers: Zygmunt Krynicki
The Go ecosystem has established itself as the language of choice for many cloud and server software. We present arguments that Go is also uniquely suited to thrive for Linux-base...
DEF CON 27 Conference - Nina Kollars - Confessions of an Nespresso Money Mule
In 2018 I somewhat innocently bought very expensive coffee (Nespresso capsules) online from Ebay. What followed was a series of unexpected additional packages from the manufacturer Nespresso and a lurking suspicion that something had gone terribly...
Jon Burge: Case History of the Infamous Chicago Detective who Tortured Wrongful Confessions out of over 200 suspects
Jon Graham Burge is a convicted felon and former Chicago Police Department detective and commander who tortured more than 200 criminal suspects between 1972 and 1991, in order to force confessions. This video, compiled by the Chicago Torture Justi...
7 channels

Confession is at best overlooked by contemporary Christianity. Confession has Biblical precedence and is cathartic for one's soul.
This is a space for Jesus people to confess to one another. Good things happen here.
Feel weird about confessing? Thats normal. I'll go first.

Viola di Sera
Benvenuti su Viola di Sera!🌙
Uno spazio di ispirazione e connessione, dedicato a chi desidera riscoprire la semplicità e l'armonia nella vita quotidiana. Qui esploriamo insieme creatività , natura, serenità e crescita personale.
Condivido riflessioni autentiche, esperienze vissute e ciò che ho imparato lungo il mio percorso, con l'intento di ispirare una vita più equilibrata e autentica.
Se anche tu cerchi uno spazio dove fermarti e respirare, questo è il posto giusto.
6 playlists
@jasonybird confesses.
Shocking Confession Memories Hotel
gakinotsukaiShocking Confession Memories Hotel