29 videos
Dévoiler le pouvoir, chiffrer l'avenir - un entretien avec Chelsea Manning
Chelsea Manning est probablement la « lanceuse d’alerte » la plus connue au monde. Analyste pour l’armée américaine, elle est arrêtée en 2010 pour avoir transmis 750 000 documents classés secret défense à Wikileaks, l’organisation de Julian Assang...
Drew comforts Chelsea after a bank robbery
This is a very touching scene between my character, Chelsea Lafayette, and Drew Nilliam, played by NukeClassic. For those of you familiar with the characters, this includes the legendary Drew laugh.
If you have no idea what any of this is about...
Stelter asks Chelsea Manning: Do you have any regrets?
CNN's Brian Stelter asks former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning if she has any regrets after refusing to testify about her disclosure of military and diplomatic secrets to Wikileaks in 2010.
Chelsea 2021/2022 Season Review
Watch the review of Chelsea's 2021/2022 season campaign
4 channels
I'm a roleplayer on Nopixel WL, which is a popular GTAV roleplay server. This channel includes some interesting scenes which I feel are worth sharing.