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Keynote: Open Source Resilience and Growth: Creating Communities that Thrive - Akademy 2020

Even without the added pressure of this pandemic, established open source projects like KDE and GNOME must find ways to be resilient and continue to grow. Come learn about how to take this challenge on and help make KDE stronger with each year to ...

Akademy 2020 - KEYNOTE - Nuritzi Sanchez - Open Source Resilience & Growth: Creating Communities

Even without the added pressure of this pandemic, established open source projects like KDE and GNOME must find ways to be resilient and continue to grow. Come learn about how to take this challenge on and help make KDE stronger with each year to ...

AFCM-Egypt: SDG Podcast episode 3 (2024) [English]

Our episode on SDG 11 was to show how cities should be made inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. In this podcast, we discuss firefighting in regards to urban development. We showed how fire safety should be considered in high-risk environm...

Resident Evil Part 2 | RPC EXTRA

Today I will be Playing Resident Evil 2015 Remaster, Let's see what I think of the game That I will review Later.

This content is not suitable for young viewers, and the video may contain swearing and/or flashing images/content on the screen. The...

Resident Evil Part 1 | RPC EXTRA

Today I will be Playing Resident Evil 2015 Remaster, Let's see what I think of the game That I will review Later.

This content is not suitable for young viewers, and the video may contain swearing and/or flashing images/content on the screen. The...

442 channels

New Design Congress

We are an independent, member-funded research group confronting the gap between what appears to be happening and what is actually happening in digitised societies. We work with universities, at-risk communities, internet subcultures, non-profits, environmentalists, policy makers and technologists to produce ambitious, actionable alternative forks — new paradigms for digital identity, online safety, information integrity, network and economic resilience, and climate response.


L'ArchiPelle part à la rencontre d'experts ou passionnés sur les thèmes de l'autonomie d'énergie, la maison autonome, la résilience, la construction écologique, la forêt comestible et la permaculture.
La chaîne regroupe des centaines de reportages partout en France afin de répondre à une demande d'apprentissage de plus en plus grandissante de la part de néo-autonomistes désireux d'aborder ce mode de vie.

Le point fort de la chaîne est que le format n'est pas défini, les vidéos peuvent durer plusieurs minutes ou plusieurs heures selon le sujet et les informations à diffuser.

Bon visionnage à tous, sur L'ArchiPelle

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