Sepia Search

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74 videos

Police brutality and misconduct costs taxpayers

Baltimore taxpayers have shelled out $24.5 million over the past five years to settle misconduct cases involving city police officers.
“The city of Baltimore is going to be on the hook for millions and millions more dollars,” said Sean Kennedy wi...

Baltimore_BioCrew: Improving Iron Uptake in Synechococcus (2020) - Project Promotion [English]

In 1/3 of the world’s oceans, iron concentration limits phytoplankton growth. Iron is required for photosynthesis and is a critical micronutrient for the marine food web. Improved abilities to capture iron could increase phytoplankton populations,...

Baltimore_BioCrew: JoyBiotic (2021) - Project Promotion [English]

Warning: This video has a caption error - captions should only be uploaded as a separate file, and not integrated onto the video itself.

Title: JoyBiotic

Description: The 2021 Baltimore Biocrew is developing a psychobiotic product to...

Baltimore_BioCrew: Phytoplankton Revitalization (2020) - Team Presentation [English]

Title: Improving Iron Uptake and Processing in Synechococcus CB0101 to Bolster Marine Ecosystems

Abstract: In 1/3 of the world's oceans, the iron concentration limits phytoplankton growth. Iron is required for photosynthesis and is critic...

3 playlists

Kate Khatib

Kate Khatib, Baltimore, USA, AK Press, Red Emma's Coffeeshop

Interviewed on February 17, 2011

Kevin Tucker

Kevin Tucker. Anarcho-primitivist. Black and Green Press.

Interviewed in Baltimore, in February 2011.