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195 results found:

185 videos

DEF CON 27 Wireless Village - Nishant Sharma - Developing Wifi Access Point

WiFi access point (AP) security is one of the most important aspect when it comes to securing networks. The compromise of a WiFI AP (which mostly also double-up as router in SOHO environments) can lead to several secondary attacks. There are multi...

DEF CON 27 Wireless Village - Nishant Sharma - Developing Wifi Access Point

WiFi access point (AP) security is one of the most important aspect when it comes to securing networks. The compromise of a WiFI AP (which mostly also double-up as router in SOHO environments) can lead to several secondary attacks. There are multi...

Federazione di reti Wi-Fi e access point Linux Based - M.Goretti, D.Guerri - Workshop GARR 2008

Titolo: Federazione di reti Wi-Fi e access point Linux Based Evento:Workshop GARR 2008 Speaker: Maurizio GorettiEnte: CASPUR Speaker: Davide GuerriEnte: CASPUR

AppArmor 3.0

by Seth Arnold

At: DebConf18

Debian is currently experimenting with AppArmor as a default mandatory access control system. This talk will introduce mandatory access control systems; discuss Ap...

4 channels


Je suis professeur en arts appliqués et cultures artistiques au lycée polyvalent Ernest Couteaux de Saint-Amand-les-Eaux (59). Sur ma chaîne, vous avez accès à des capsules vidéo qui traitent, de manière condensée et scénarisée, d'une idée, d'une notion, d'une technique, d'un sujet ou d'un thème que je développe en classe, avec mes élèves de 3ème "prépa-métiers", de CAP (Seconde et terminale) et ceux de Bac Pro (de Seconde, Première ou Terminale).