10000 videos
The Skeptic's Guide to Health, Medicine, and the Media (trailer)
Watch it trade-free at https://www.videoneat.com/courses/20248/the-skeptics-guide-to-health-medicine-and-the-media/
If you’ve ever sneezed while driving your car, did you immediately think, “Cars Cause the Common Cold!”? No, of course not. A he...
The Phoenix Lights - Documentary
Based on the book "The Phoenix Lights - A Skeptic's Discovery That We Are Not Alone" by Lynne D. Kitei M.D. After seven years of meticulous research, she is coming forward with stunning data and personal interviews in th...
Are Dutch Cities Really that Different? Debunking Cycling Myths
Whenever urbanists point to Dutch cycling infrastructure as a model to follow, skeptics respond with a list of reasons why Dutch cities are just too different to be relevant elsewhere, especially the U.S. and Canada. “This is all great if you live...
9/11 Whistleblowers - Full Documentary 2019 (HD)
See more videos @ https://www.ConspiracyDocumentaries.com
“But someone would have talked,” say the self-styled skeptics who believe the government’s official conspiracy theory of 9/11. But there’s a problem with this logically fallacious non-ar...
February proved Steam Deck skeptics wrong
Go to https://tryfum.com/GARDINERBRYANT and use code GARDINERBRYANT to save an additional 10% off your order today.
This week we saw just how much life is left in the Steam Deck. We'll discuss. Plus, a stable SteamOS upgrade hints at a bright f...
3698 channels

Espagnol - Productions d'élèves
Chaîne liée à l'Espace Pédagogique Espagnol de l'Académie de Poitiers : https://ww2.ac-poitiers.fr/espagnol/spip.php
Productions vidéo d'élèves
1195 playlists
à l'école de la transparence
À l’école de la transparence : quels enjeux de la transparence dans les espaces scolaires ?
- Quelles finalités de la transparence visuelle et architecturale à l’école ?
- Sous quelles formes les aménagements d’espace permettant plus de transparence amènent-ils une plus-value ?
- Comment concilier sécurité, autonomie et intimité ?
- La transparence peut-elle être un levier du vivre ensemble à l’école ?