1032 videos
Galiano Island BC Horizontal
Off the coast of Galiano Island BC, Canada
Galiano Island BC
Off the coast of Galiano Island, BC, Canada
Un livre m'a dit : Un tout petit grain de sable, de Galia Tapiero et Marion Brand
Enregistré à l'école maternelle
A. Daudet de Poitiers
Projet piloté par
Marie-Christine Fruchard
Raconteuses :
Marue-Christine Fruchard
Chantale Pintout
Images :
Samuel Bougrier
Gaïa maquillage
Gaïa artiste maquillage FX
Galaxy - Original song
A original song : Galaxy.
Galago Rondo 😊
These fluffies are very agile! They are able to jump 12 meters!
Their life expectancy is about 10 years in captivity, and in the wild only 3-4 years.
GALAGA: The Complete History | Retro Gaming Documentary (Galaxian)
Galaga is one of Arcade gaming’s most important shooters. In this video I look at exactly why that is and how it came to be | Support the show and help make future videos like these https://www.patreon.com/slopesgameroom ⬇️SOCIALS BELOW⬇️
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Galaga & Galaxian are often looked at as being copycats to Space Invaders and sure even though they did indeed take inspiration from the legendary space-shooting arcade game. The history behind these classic games goes a lot deeper than that
In this video we take a look back at the history of Namco’s Galaxian game and how that changed into Galaga. We look at Galaga 88 including its confusing ports such as Galaga 90 and Galaga 91! We take a look at Gaplus (also known as Galaga 3) and everything after inclusing the weird playstation games, the strange world of Galaga on mobile phones, The theme park attractions such as Galaxian 3, the ticket redemption machines and of course the VR stuff too!
There is a lot more to Galaga than meets the eye!
For a list of resources used for this video click here…
document incoming
⌛ The Complete History Series… https://goo.gl/CMCMvQ
The ultimate in-depth documentary look at all your favourite gaming franchises such as... Metroid, Streets of Rage, Shinobi, Strider, Metal Slug, Parappa the Rapper, Toejam & Earl, Earthworm Jim. Space Harrier, Jet Set Radio, Crash Bandicoot, Grand Theft Auto, Final Fight, and many many more
⌛ The Kick-Scammer Series... https://goo.gl/BB7DyX
Join us as we look into some of the very worst Kickstarter and Indiegogo campaigns ever!
⌛ Random Video Games Fact Series… https://goo.gl/eJwsYP
The Strangest Video Game Facts found on YouTube
⌛ Quickshot Series... https://goo.gl/r32WH7
Random bite-sized gaming facts
#SlopesGameRoom #TheCompleteHistory #Galaga #Galaxian #Namco #RetroGaming #GameFacts
Galápago 6-0 *2021*
Las Islas Encantadas, the Enchanted Isles, the Crucible of Life.
The Galápagos.
“A few of these islands are still in their birth throes, among the most fiery volcanoes on the planet. Because they are so young, the creation of new life forms...
Galapagos Marine Iguana 🦎
Also known as the Galapagos iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus), is a unique species of iguana that evolved in the Galapagos Islands.