713 videos
Dynamic Pricing, Explained: AI business model | Uber Surge pricing
If you buy a pint at 3pm on a Tuesday you’ll pay £3 and are probably an alcoholic. Fast forward to 8pm on a Saturday and that same pint in that same pub will cost you £8.
Although I don’t drink alcohol so this doesn’t affect me. But that’s not t...
Dynamic Window Decorations: The Forbidden Dream.
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Dynamic Pricing, Explained: AI business model | Uber Surge pricing
If you buy a pint at 3pm on a Tuesday you’ll pay £3 and are probably an alcoholic. Fast forward to 8pm on a Saturday and that same pint in that same pub will cost you £8.
Although I don’t drink alcohol so this doesn’t effect me. But that’s not t...
Dynamic Wallpaper
Das Skript für dynamische Wallpaper ändert stündlich das Hintergrundbild basierend auf der aktuellen Uhrzeit. Es greift auf eine Sammlung von 24 JPG-Bildern (0.jpg bis 23.jpg) zu, und verwendet einen Zeitstempel aus einer Konfiguration, um das pas...
Dynamic Proxies in Java
Speaker: Dr. Heinz M. Kabutz
Recorded: 2020-09-11
Java frameworks often need to dynamically create classes. One approach to do that easily in Java is dynamic proxies. In this talk, we will show how they compare to hand-written classes. We will...
Dynamic coloring of XTerm
On the fly swapping color schemes in XTerm using ksh and dynamic-colors.
Dynamic simulation of Talos in a 3d environment
Planned with HPP-Loco SL1M and controlled in a complete (closed-loop) simulation with TSID.
Dynamic Virtual Networks - M.Caberletti
Titolo: Dynamic Virtual NetworksEvento: Workshop INFN CCR & GARR 2012 - NapoliAutore: Marco CaberlettiEnte: INFN
Dynamic numbering with CSS counters
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CSS Counters are one of those things a lot of people aren't aware of, and most people who do know about them don't realize all the things you can do with them!
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Dynamic Distribution Network Reconfiguration with Generation and Load Uncertainty
Given the uncertainty in load demand and renewable energy sources, the distribution network reconfiguration (DNR) problem is a stochastic mixed-integer nonlinear optimization program with a running time that scales exponentially with the number of...