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Primary Buffer Panel v1 - The simulated home cockpit made from cardboard [scrapped]

馃寪 Project website:

Collection for my simulated home cockpit (SimPit) shenanigans for Space Pew Pew games. What you see here is a glorified DIY joystick controller (Arduino) with a LCD ('MFD') and plenty of RGB.

This SimPit made of cardboard was built on a budget and mainly used to play Elite Dangerous, Star Citizen, X4:Foundations and plenty of other Space Pew Pew. It utilized many techniques and principles also found in other simulated cockpits be it flying or racing.

The version 1 of this project was scrapped in favour of version 2.

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Primary Buffer Panel v2 - The simulated home cockpit inspired by a VF-1 Valkyrie

馃寪 Project website:

Collection for my VF-1 (Macross) inspired simulated home cockpit (SimPit) for Space Pew Pew games. What you see here is a glorified DIY joystick (Arduino) controller with a LCD ('MFD') and plenty of RGB.

This SimPit built on a budget is mainly used to play Elite Dangerous, Star Citizen, X4: Foundations and plenty of other Space Pew Pew. It utilizes many techniques and principles also found in other simulated cockpits be it flying or racing.

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Primary Buffer Panel v1 - The simulated home cockpit made from cardboard [scrapped]

馃寪 Project website:

Collection for my simulated home cockpit (SimPit) shenanigans for Space Pew Pew games. What you see here is a glorified DIY joystick controller (Arduino) with a LCD ('MFD') and plenty of RGB.

This SimPit made of cardboard was built on a budget and mainly used to play Elite Dangerous, Star Citizen, X4:Foundations and plenty of other Space Pew Pew. It utilized many techniques and principles also found in other simulated cockpits be it flying or racing.

The version 1 of this project was scrapped in favour of version 2.

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Primary Buffer Panel v2 - The simulated home cockpit inspired by a VF-1 Valkyrie

馃寪 Project website:

Collection for my VF-1 (Macross) inspired simulated home cockpit (SimPit) for Space Pew Pew games. What you see here is a glorified DIY joystick (Arduino) controller with a LCD ('MFD') and plenty of RGB.

This SimPit built on a budget is mainly used to play Elite Dangerous, Star Citizen, X4: Foundations and plenty of other Space Pew Pew. It utilizes many techniques and principles also found in other simulated cockpits be it flying or racing.

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Bridges Intro + Problems and Constraints Theme

Bridges Summit opening keynote + panel discussion with thought leaders from research industry kicking off the community discussions for the Problems and Constraints theme. What are the Problems and Constraints that keep us from bridging the divide between business leaders and developers?

Events, Panels, Workshops, Interviews

Events, Workshops, and panel conversations. (live and pre-recorded)

Curso de WordPress

Comenzaremos desde los aspectos m谩s b谩sicos como la instalaci贸n, ajustes de configuraci贸n y uso del panel administrador, conociendo su nuevo editor por bloques (Gutenberg), hasta la maquetaci贸n de p谩ginas con constructores avanzados como Elementor y Divi.

Aprenderemos a mantener y actualizar la plataforma, as铆 como la localizaci贸n de errores y c贸mo solucionarlos.

Desarrollaremos nuestras plantillas o temas hijos para implementar nuestras funciones y estilos sin perder los cambios al actualizar el tema principal. Aprenderemos a generar nuestros propios contenidos (custom posts) a clasificarlos con taxonom铆as personalizadas, realizar consultas (querys) a medida, a manejar el loop de WordPress.

Tambi茅n dedicaremos una secci贸n a las bases de datos, para que sepas c贸mo implementar consultas SQL desde las propias funciones de WordPress y a realizar peticiones AJAX en el frontend de nuestros proyectos.

Scavenger SV-4 Playthroughs

Various individual runs of Scavenger SV-4. Be warned... I'm not exactly good at the game. Most are also not going to contain commentary, though I may use the captions to insert explanatory text.

Scavenger SV-4 is a part simulator, part roguelike, part action adventure horror game where you're alone on a ship orbiting a highly radioactive, alien planet, the only interaction you have with it is with a remote control drone. Collect artifacts, fight off drones, and try and research as much as you can before the radiation forces you to bail out, hopefully, with enough artifacts and alien technology in the hold to pave the rest of your character's life.

As part of its roguelike nature, the game can be highly replayable, with the ungodly maximum a single run will last is, with proper timing, 2 hours. Most probably aren't that long.