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4 playlists

People of the Drum

Seattle Peace Chorus performed this premier on Saturday 2 June 2018 at Seattle First Baptist Church. It was composed by Frederick N. West to honor Native Americans and their contributions to our nation, community, and our environment.
Guest Artists--Tom Bell: piano, Josefina Mutascu: flute, Logan Esterling: oboe & English horn, Jim Hendrickson: French horn, Mary Kantor: bass clarinet Fred Winkler: soprano sax, Matthew Weiss: first violin, Elizabeth Alexander, second violin, Jenn Glenn: viola, Karen Fardal: cello, Attila Kiss: double bass, Kent Stevenson: piano, Sid Law: drums, electric guitar, & vocals, “Che oke ten” Wagner: Native American drum & vocals, Charlie Hiestand: bass guitar, Thione Diop: Sengegalese drum.
Soloist--Sondra Segundo-Cunningham

Daniela Zarro

Daniela Zarro. Lugano, Switzerland

Interviewed in St. Imier in August 2012.

Exercicis resolts de càlcul del valor numèric

Exercicis resolts de càlcul del valor numèric a diversos tipus de funcions:

  • Quadràtiques
  • De proporcionalitat inversa
  • Exponencials
  • Logarítmiques