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80 playlists

TROM Documentary (robot voice)

The TROM documentary is trying to present, in a simplistic way, the world in which we, human beings, live. We try to present the world that was discovered so far through the lenses of science: from the evolution of everything (including us) to the monetary system (the game we currently play), to a different kind of world that we could build for the benefit of us all, then back to Earth. We are trying to present alternative solutions to current problems and take into account the future, which promises to be more than interesting. An informative documentary, perhaps shocking and disturbing to many, depending on how you digest the information. The documentary is divided into chapters and sub-chapters due to the documentary’s excessive length (14 hours) and all the parts are connected so we recommend that you see them in order.

TROM Documentary (human voice)

The TROM documentary is trying to present, in a simplistic way, the world in which we, human beings, live. We try to present the world that was discovered so far through the lenses of science: from the evolution of everything (including us) to the monetary system (the game we currently play), to a different kind of world that we could build for the benefit of us all, then back to Earth. We are trying to present alternative solutions to current problems and take into account the future, which promises to be more than interesting. An informative documentary, perhaps shocking and disturbing to many, depending on how you digest the information. The documentary is divided into chapters and sub-chapters due to the documentary’s excessive length (14 hours) and all the parts are connected so we recommend that you see them in order.

TROMjaro vs Windows (the defaults)

This comparison between TROMjaro (Linux) and Windows tries to be as objective as possible and we will look at the most important (realistic) scenarios when it comes to how users use an Operating System out of the box.

How to install cheats (All Games)

In this playlist you will be able to find all of the tutorials explaining how to install cheats in all of the games that I had covered.

David Pawson | Unlocking the Bible - Old Testament

David's well-known Unlocking the Bible series helps readers of the Bible understand the Bible book by book. He goes into the historical, geographical, cultural context of the times in which each book is written and provides insight as to who and why each book is written by and for and how shall it inform today's followers of Christ Jesus Yeshua haMashiach.

May these recordings bless you as it has blessed me.
Pawson passed away in 2020, and I thought these videos are too precious to be lost and wanted somewhere decentralised to upload these for safe keeping. Hope you find them in The Holy Spirit.

God bless,
Ichtus Ministries

Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition

What's this game?

How are you playing it?
Every level will be done separately via pistol-start to emulate how each level can be done if you warp to the level with nothing but your pistol. May complete 100% secrets and 100% kills but not technically required to do so. Exceptions may apply.

Doom II: Hell on Earth

What's this game?

How are you playing it?
Every level will be done separately via pistol-start to emulate how each level can be done if you reload the level upon death. May complete 100% secrets and 100% kills but not technically required to do so.

Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders

What's this game?

How are you playing it?
Every level will be done separately via wand-start to emulate how each level can be done if you reload the level upon death. May complete 100% secrets and 100% kills but not technically required to do so.

The Ultimate Doom

What's this game?

How are you playing it?
Every level will be done separately via pistol-start to emulate how each level can be done if you reload the level upon death. May complete 100% secrets and 100% kills but not technically required to do so.

3. The Maker

The maker grasps humankind as builders. We make new constructions with building blocks from nature, which we manipulate at the same time. We will see how that leads us to new materials, new connections between people and new bursts of creativity. Will we be able to build everything we wish for?