Sepia Search

19 results found:

19 playlists

XR Global Support

Join the rebellion and rebel for life.


After iGEM at 2020 Global Meetup

After iGEM Committees and iGEM Ambassadors presentations at the 2020 iGEM Global Meetup.

Digital platforms in the global south : shaping a critical approach

Le Centre d'analyse et de recherche interdisciplinaires sur les médias (CARISM) de l'université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas, le Laboratoire des sciences de l'information et de la communication de l'université Sorbonne Paris Nord (LabSIC) et le laboratoire de sciences humaines et sociale du CRNS (Passages) co-organisent, les 28 et 29 juin 2021, deux demi-journées d'étude sur le thème : Digital platforms in the global south: shaping a critical approach.
Organisateurs :
Philippe Bouquillion (LabSIC, Paris 13),
Christine Ithurbide (CNRS Passages)
and Tristan Mattelart (Carism, Paris 2)

Regen 101

Regen 101 workshop and related events

Empathy Circles - Around Regen 101

For eleven months, from January to November 2021, on every last Saturday of the month, we sit together and share thoughts and feelings around material from the workshop REGEN 101.

Regenerative Advocates Network

Regen Advocate Network Calls are the space created to meet Regen practitioners from around the world and exchange about our learnings, the challenges we encounter, and the best practices we identify!

Empathy Circles - 10 XR Principles series

Every Saturday for eleven weeks (July 25 - October 3, 2020) Extinction Rebellion activists around the world were coming together to explore what XR's 10 Principles meant to them.

SynBio United 2021

Event by the Global Alliance of SynBio Associations.