4 playlists
Encuentro de fans de Doctor en Alaska
En noviembre de 2018 varias personas fans de la mítica serie «Doctor en Alaska» nos reunimos en Reznos, un pequeño pueblo de Soria de apenas 10 habitantes en invierno, que se convirtió en Cicely por un día.
Dr John Campbell
Doctor of nursing Dr John Campbell discusses many interesting aspects of the so-called covid-19 so-called pandemic. He also produces educational videos regarding nursing and medicine.
Aqua: Aquarium
Aquarium is the debut studio album by Danish band Aqua, released on 26 March 1997. The album is best known for including the globally successful single "Barbie Girl", which went on to become a widely recognizable hit around the world, as well as the popular track "Lollipop". The album also featured the songs "Doctor Jones" and "Turn Back Time".
Jonathan Dimensione AESTHETICA (Prima stagione)
La raccolta completa con tutte le puntate della prima stagione di Jonathan Dimensione AESTHETICA. Un programma del Dottor Pira e di Michele Sala.