13 channels

Conference 2023: Neural Synthesis
Conference on neural networks - AI in artistic and scientific practices.
The term "Neural Synthesis" has recently re-emerged to describe a variety of artistic approaches using artificial neural networks in multimedia performance, visual arts, design and dance, and experimental robotics. The BAS conference "Neural Synthesis" provides a forum for scientific and artistic contributions from various fields, ranging from basic medical research to the humanities, the arts and HCI design, that address questions of the critical organisation and reorganisation of human thought, feeling and action.

Synthetic Dreams
sharing clips of little projects made with godot

iGEM Academy
Bringing world-class education in synthetic biology to you. An educational platform to empower the bioengineers of the future.

2021 Opening Weekend Festival
The official kickoff of the 2021 iGEM Competition season - Opening Weekend Festival: May 15-16. Join us to welcome 300+ multidisciplinary teams of local people solving local problems, all over the world, with the power of Synthetic Biology.
Join at https://festival.igem.io

L' Oeil du Cyclone
An alternative art program devoted to visual or sonorous curiosities, portraits of artists, artistic movements, but also various rarities, international archives, auteur and documentary films, musical montages, miscellaneous compilations, etc. to new images and taking the form of reports and psychedelic clips, fed images of the most diverse origins, sometimes in synthetic images.
created by:
- Paquito Bolino est réalisateur et scénariste. Il est connu pour Les religions sauvages (2006), Hospital Brut (1999) et L'Oeil du cyclone (1991).
- Andy Bolus est scénariste. Il est connu pour L'Oeil du cyclone (1991), A qui veut bien l'entendre (2021) et Sonic Intangible (2016).
- Fredox est célèbre pour Les religions sauvages (2006) et L'Oeil du cyclone (1991).

Analog Output
Synthesis hardware and software, with an emphasis on DIY projects.

Synth DIY
Synthesis hardware and software, with an emphasis on DIY projects.

Binary Tubes
Video Synthesis - Analog and Digital
Electronic Music - Analog and Digital
Human - Analog (100%)

Music by Numbers
Adventures in sound synthesis, noise by numbers and computer music composition. Sometimes live streamed via https://live.lukaprincic.si owncast.
#music #ComputerMusic #SuperCollider #LinuxAudio #LiveMusic #LiveCoding #Renoise #Ardour

Music by Numbers
Adventures in sound synthesis, noise by numbers and computer music composition.
Usually live streamed via https://live.lukaprincic.si owncast.
#music #ComputerMusic #SuperCollider #LinuxAudio #LiveMusic #LiveCoding #Renoise #Ardour