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Kairus Art+Research

Kairus is a collective of two artists Linda Kronman (Finland) and Andreas Zingerle (Austria). They explore topics such as vulnerabilities in IoT devices, corporatization of city governance in Smart Cities and citizen sensitive projects in which technology is used to reclaim control of our living environments. Their practice based research is closely intertwined with their artistic production, adopting methodologies used by anthropologists and sociologist, their artworks are often informed by archival research, participation observations and field research. Besides the artworks they publish academic research papers and open access publications to contextualize their artworks to wider discourses such as data privacy & security, activism & hacking culture, disruptive art practices, electronic waste and materiality of the internet.
Kairus has been awarded the Outstanding Artist Awards 2022 by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Arts and Culture.

Movimento Software Livre no Brasil

Somos pessoas em espaços e territórios, comunidades e coletivos, organizações, universidades e governos, criando, desenvolvendo e promovendo Softwares Livres pela colaboração e convivência de todos os seres em rede.
Acreditamos que o Software Livre é uma ferramenta poderosa que pode ser usada para criar coisas lindas, inovadoras e inclusivas. Estamos comprometidos em usar o Software Livre para promover mudanças positivas no mundo.

Saiba mais em:

Somos parte de uma comunidade aberta e diversa que reúne indivíduos, grupos, organizações e instituições comprometidas com a promoção e defesa do software livre como um bem comum, um instrumento de liberdade, inclusão social, educação, colaboração, inovação e soberania.

Linas Reise ins Drogenland

Hallo Freunde!

Ich heiße Lina und mache Videos in denen ich über Verschiedenes rund ums Thema Drogen spreche.

Als Psychologie-Studentin und Psychonautin begleitet mich das Thema schon mehr als mein halbes Leben lang. Angefangen als reines Interesse an veränderten Bewusstseinszuständen und psychologischen Problematiken, die sowohl Grund, als auch Konsequenz des Konsums von verschiedenen Substanzen sein können, über Einiges an Selbsterfahrung, bis hin zu meinem Engagement im Bereich des Drogenaktivismus und der -aufklärung unter der weltweit vertretenen Organisation SSDP - den Students for Sensible Drug Policy.

Auf meinem Kanal will ich mich auf Zusammenhänge konzentrieren (u. a. mit Umwelt, Gesundheit & Politik) - anstatt zu sehr ins Detail zu gehen - kurz und leicht verständlich Erkenntnisse aus dem Bereich der psychedelischen Forschung präsentieren und meine gesellschaftskritischen Gedanken mit euch teilen.

Also: turn on, tune in & transform with me!