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Les conférences de l'EP

Le CAREP de l'académie de Reims vous propose des conférences variées, sur des thématiques qui touchent l'éducation prioritaire, mais pas que...
La sociologie, les CPS, l'alliance éducative, les divers domaines des apprentissages ... sont au programme.

thisven's music


I am this.ven. I play guitar, bass, mandolin, and drums. Music has always been a playground, a resort and a battlefield. For me, it’s important to identify and discuss issues:

Data Kraken’s web has turned us into
Unfaithful competitive products
Leaking information
For framing, hustle and isolation
— this.ven [1]

Whenever engaging in a project I typically use FLOSS and GNU/Linux. As a graduate of media engineering and computer science I focus on networked audio, IT security and privacy.

For followers: Mastodon, Funkwhale, Website

[1] This quote is from the lyrics of the song Layer 8.

thisven's music


I am this.ven. I play guitar, bass, mandolin, and drums. Music has always been a playground, a resort and a battlefield. For me, it’s important to identify and discuss issues:

Data Kraken’s web has turned us into
Unfaithful competitive products
Leaking information
For framing, hustle and isolation
— this.ven [1]

Whenever engaging in a project I typically use FLOSS and GNU/Linux. As a graduate of media engineering and computer science I focus on networked audio, IT security and privacy.

For followers: Mastodon, Funkwhale, Website

[1] This quote is from the lyrics of the song Layer 8.

Échanges et Partenariats

Échanges et Partenariats (E&P) est une association loi 1901 créée en 2003 pour renforcer les partenariats entre organisations françaises et internationales engagées dans le champ de la solidarité internationale et pour répondre aux demandes d’engagement des jeunes générations.

Le site web d'E&P :