1015 videos
Sphere strip glob Inkscape Tutorial
Tutorial No. 105
Use this technique in #Illustrator & #CorelDraw
Check All inkscape tutorials in Video tab or section.
Ko-fi : https://ko-fi.com/graphicdesignstudio
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Chrome Frame Text Effect - Inkscape Tutorial
Tutorial No. 127
Create nice text effect in Inkscape Check All inkscape tutorials in Video tab or section.
Ko-fi : https://ko-fi.com/graphicdesignstudio
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Cube Core Inkscape Tutorial
Tutorial No. 157
Basic Isometric logo tutorial. Check All inkscape tutorials in Video tab or section.
Ko-fi : https://ko-fi.com/graphicdesignstudio
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Create Tag Label in Inkscape
Tutorial No. 4
This tutorial is for beginner who wants to create simple vector graphic in inkscape. Check All tutorials in Video tab or section.
Inkscape 1.4 (t-shirts)
Hey everyone,
Been busy these last few weeks with release preparations, bug fixing and getting my new computer operating system up and running.
As well as the snazzy t-shirts for the 1.4 release. If you're interested in them, let me know down be...
Inklusion: Thomas Naumann spricht zum Antrag "Barrierefreiheit durch mobile Rampen"
Stadtratssitzung vom 24./25.03.2022:
Unser Gastredner Thomas Naumann (Inklusionsnetzwerk Dresden) untersützt grundsätzlich den Antrag der SPD. Allerdings mahnt er davor, dass solche Maßnahmen nur der Überbrückung bis zu tatsächlicher Barriere...
Inklusion: Kritik an Stadtverwaltung und Messe wegen mangelnder Barrierefreiheit
Stadtratssitzung vom 24./25.03.2022:
Fraktionsvorsitzender Johannes Lichdi bedauert, dass unserem Gastredner Thomas Naumann aufgrund seines Rollstuhls kein Redebeitrag am Rednerpult ermöglicht werden konnte.
Inkscape Topographic Map Art: Paint Bucket Tool Background Removal + Color Filters Tutorial
Inkscape step-by-step beginner, intermediate tutorial on how to create Topgraphic Map Art using relief map data from maps-for-free.com. Free course includes Paint Bucket Tool selection method to remove background easily from a PNG image. I also co...
Inkscape Shatter Effect Tutorial: Understanding Path Functions, Object-to-Pattern Hack + Tweak Tool
Inkscape step-by-step beginner, intermediate tutorial on how to do a shatter effect on objects using Inkscape's Path Functions, Path Effects Construct Grid, Object to Pattern and Tweak Tools. This is a fast, easy-to-do method and I highlight the b...