133 videos
Awakening Mind Part 2 - "The Mind Unveiled" (2024) - Complete HD Film
Meet the cast of Awakening Mind Part 2 in an online retreat in November. https://awake-in-stillness.purepresenceconferences.com/?sc=uWOleySF&ac=QDZtQxYb
The Mind Unveiled expresses the "great forgetting" that occurs when we enter the human expe...
開源自由浪潮紀錄片第一彈 -- 北港國小自由快樂之聲
製作 LibreOffice 影片過程中最重要的 "Liberty!" 歡呼聲,來自新北市汐止區北港國小第 92 屆六年忠班的孩子們。這是錄製當天的紀錄片。
Freddy's Piano Performance - Fur Elise and Hungarian Dance No. 5
Freddy and Eddy attended a piano performance held by their piano teacher. Freddy played Beethoven's "Fur Elise" and Brahms' Hungarian Dance No. 5, simpler version. He played very well, actually it was the best one among all his practice, and I'm...
挑戰古阿莫 -- 一分鐘講完詮釋資料如何填寫
在 2015 年國發會舉辦的 ODF 開放文件格式輔導說明會中,由我負責講 Open Data。裡面有一段說明如何填寫詮釋資料的部份,因為東西實在很多,以前總是直接跳過去。最近在兒子的鼓勵下挑戰用古阿莫的方式在一分鐘內講完。
Eddy's Shao-Lin Kung-Fu Performance -- 琦寶的兒童節表演:少林拳
In Children's Day, Eddy's school held a performance show to let children show their programs. Eddy performed Show-Lin Basic Kung-Fu, with and without a "weapon" (fan).
Eddy practiced Shao-Lin Basic Kung Fu
Eddy was practicing Shao-Lin Basic Kung Fu for the performance on April 2nd.
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Eddy's Piano Performance - "The Sound of Music" (The Song of Do Re Mi), and "Skater's Waltz"
Eddy and Freddy attended a piano performance held by their piano teacher, and Eddy played two songs, "The Sound of Music", (The Song of Do Re Mi) simple version, and Emil Waldteufel's "Skater's Waltz", simple version. This was his first time to p...
《覺醒的心靈》系列影片第二部:《揭開心靈的面紗》預告片 -- Awakening Mind Film Part 2 -"The Mind Unveiled" (Official Trailer)
(來源: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kcp7RkRqG8k )
If you found Part I, Know Thyself, engaging and resonating with you and would like to contribute, we invite you to help us raise the necessa...
Eddy's Birthday Video
Eddy's mom made a slide show for Eddy's birthday, and I converted it to a video clip.
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