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2698 videos

Jane Savage: Rondo op. 3/1

In this video, I'm playing a "rondo" in G major by Jane Savage (1752/3-1824) on the 1911 Bernhard organ. Her op. 3, a collection of rondos for keyboard instrument, was published in 1786.

Emma Louise Ashford: Morning Song

Here's a short piece by Emma Louise Ashford (1850-1930): "Morning Song"
I'm playing the 1911 Bernhard organ.
Stops: Flûte harmonique 8' plus "superoctave coupler" for the solo; Salicional 8' and Gedackt 8' for the upper manual and 16' subbass p...

Katharinentaler Orgelbuch: Minuet in F

This beautiful short minuet in F major is from the organ book of Katharinental.
I'm playing the 1858 Keller organ. Recording was made in September 2021.

Prelude in E major by an unknown composer

This video was recorded in April 2022. I'm playing a prelude in E major on the 1858 Keller organ. The prelude is from an 18th century manuscript, the composer is yet unknown.

Eugen Grüel: Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten (op.23/15)

This is a recording made in January 2022 at the 1911 Bernhard organ.
I'm playing the chorale prelude "Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten" (If thou but trust in God to guide thee) by Eugen Grüel (1847-1927).

Valentin Rathgeber: Pastorella

This video was recorded in December 2021. I'm playing a "pastorella" by Valentin Rathgeber (1682-1750) on the 1858 Keller organ.

Anonymous: Giga & Pastorale

On the 1858 Keller organ, I'm playing a "giga" followed by a "pastorale" by an unknown Italian composer from the 18th century.

Eugen Grüel: Orgelstück op. 25/2

This recording was made in January 2022; I'm playing a short organ piece by Eugen Grüel (1847-1927) on the 1858 Keller organ. I had just left the sight-reading phase for this piece, but the rendition isn't perfect yet. However, I wanted to share i...

Fugue in c minor by an unknown composer

This fugue in c minor by an unknown composer was written in the 18th century and I'm playing the 1858 Keller organ.
Video was recorded in May 2020.

Anna Bon di Venezia: Sonata in g minor, 2nd movement

Here's an older recording of the second movement of Anna Bon di Venezia's keyboard sonata in g minor. Today, I'm playing it a tad faster, but I love the sound of the 8' Salicional in combination with the 4' flute and wanted to share this piece wit...