78 channels

TekDmn Plays Elite: Dangerous
Elite Dangerous is a massively-multiplayer, online space flight simulatior, with a realistic 1:1 scale open-world representation of the Milky Way galaxy, completely sandbox. It's got a decent pedigree too, being the fourth game in the Elite series, one of the longest running video game franchises, starting in 1995.
It's also my favorite game to play, hands down. Open world, open playstyle, amazing graphics and just beautiful sound design, this is literally the singular game that got me into PC building - I wanted a setup that can adequately play and stream it. So, come join me on my adventures, be they mining, smuggling cargo, or just blowing up criminals for their sweet, sweet bounty rewards.

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A Slave is A Slave
<a href="http://librivox.org/" rel="nofollow">LibriVox</a> recording of A SLAVE IS A SLAVE, by H. Beam Piper.
Read by Phil Chenevert
The Galactic Empire is slowly 'welcoming' into the family of civilized worlds those systems so far off in the backwater of the galaxy that they have been overlooked and ignored for the past 500 years or so. This is purely routine work because every planet offered the chance has eagerly accepted the invitation. Mainly because the enlightened Empire lets the planetary government continue to rule and do whatever it wants...with a few minor restrictions of course; and because the they are shown what happens to planets who decide not to accept the invitation.
Aditya is the system in question here. Forgotten for almost a millennium but surviving, thank you very much, with an economy based entirely on slavery. Everyone is a slave except for the few thousand Lords Master. What happens when the this type of society meets the Constitution of the Galacti

The City at Worlds End
<a href="http://librivox.org/" rel="nofollow">LibriVox</a> recording of The City at World's End, by Edmond Hamilton.
Read by Mark Nelson.
A surprise nuclear war may cause the End of the World, but not the way anyone could have imagined. A classic science fiction tale from Galaxy Magazine. (Summary by Mark Nelson)
For further information, including links to online text, reader information, RSS feeds, CD cover or other formats (if available), please go to the <a href="http://librivox.org/the-city-at-worlds-end-by-edmond-hamilton/" rel="nofollow">LibriVox catalog page</a> for this recording.
For more free audio books or to become a volunteer reader, visit <a href="http://librivox.org/" rel="nofollow">LibriVox.org</a>.
<a href="https://archive.org/download/city_worlds_end_1203_librivox/CityAtWorldsEnd_64kb_librivox.m4b" rel="nofollow">Download M4B (202MB)</a>

The Pirater
I am VTuber, wolf, pirate, rascal.
Ahoy, wolf crew! I'm a space pirate werewolf on a mission to plunder hearts and uncover cosmic treasures. By day, I navigate the galaxy with daring charm; by night, I prowl under the full moon with a mischievous glint in my eye. Ready to board for an interstellar adventure of allure and fun?

The Pirater
I am VTuber, wolf, pirate, rascal.
Ahoy, wolf crew! I'm a space pirate werewolf on a mission to plunder hearts and uncover cosmic treasures. By day, I navigate the galaxy with daring charm; by night, I prowl under the full moon with a mischievous glint in my eye. Ready to board for an interstellar adventure of allure and fun?

The Pirater VODs
I am VTuber, wolf, pirate, rascal.
Ahoy, wolf crew! I'm a space pirate werewolf on a mission to plunder hearts and uncover cosmic treasures. By day, I navigate the galaxy with daring charm; by night, I prowl under the full moon with a mischievous glint in my eye. Ready to board for an interstellar adventure of allure and fun?

1MKZT Etxepare
Eta Etxepare lizeoko ahozkoak bideopodcast-ak bihurtuko bagenitu? Zergatik ez erakutsi gure ikasleei mundu digitalean kontsumitzaileak ezezik sortzaileak ere izan daitezkeela? Eta sorkuntza prozesu hori euskaratik eta euskaraz egingo bagenu?
Erronka hauei heldu eta 1MKZTko ikasleen laguntzarekin honako podcast-a sortu dugu. Baionako Bernat Etxepare lizeoko baxo teknologikoan ikasten den Kudeaketa Zientziak eta Numerikoa ikasgaian txertatzen da honako proiektua. Sail honetan dauden 15 ikasleek parte hartu izan dute, hiruko bost taldeetan banatuta.
"Numerikoa eta Inteligentzia Kolektiboa" kapituluetan ageri diren problematiketatik bat aukeratu dute eta egitura batean oinarritu dira problematikari erantzun bat ematearren. 16 eta 17 urteko gazte hauek 10 minutuko luzeera duten 7 saio proposatu dituzte gaiaz gehiago jakin nahi duzuenontzat.
Eta milesker handi bat proiektu hau posible egin duten ikasleei!