181 videos
Joaquin Phoenix & Extinction Rebellion partner on ‘Guardians of Life’ film
A Nation Earth Production In Partnership With Extinction Rebellion, Amazon Watch And Mobilize Earth. https://mobilize.earth/
Written & Directed by Shaun Monson
Starring (alphabetically)
Adria Arjona
Oona Chaplin
Rosario Dawson
Albert Hammond Jr....
UM-Macau: GEIG: Gluten Enzymatic Intestinal Guardians (2023) - Team Presentation [English]
Title: GEIG: Gluten Enzymatic Intestinal Guardians
Description: Celiac Disease (CD) is the worldwide autoimmune gluten intolerance disease. Current treatments include lifelong gluten-free diets and oral enzyme therapy, but these therapies...
ZJUT-China: Heathy teeth legion Oral guardians for targeted detection and elimin... (2022) - Team Presentation [English]
Title: Heathy teeth legion Oral guardians for targeted detection and elimination of Streptococcus mutans
Description: Oral problems are widespread among people of different ages. Most oral problems can be preventable and treated in their ...
Learning, Adapting, and Engaging: Hydro Guardian's Educational and Human Practices in Synthetic Biology
This presentation dives deep into the journey of the Hydro Guardian! We'll explore the educational and human practices that shaped and refined our project. We were thrilled to engage with stakeholders through interviews, as this allowed us to gain...
Guild Wars 2: Raid Spirit Vale, Boss: Vale Guardian
Guild: ExYu
Trening RAID grupu vodi Leader: NexT.9852
Boss: Vale Guardian
Raid: Spirit Vale (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spirit_Vale)
[Collab Fandub, Comedy] Guardians Of Pondonia - Regular Voices
Genderswapped voices version: https://pony.tube/w/9mkiMtWw6EAYae1Qny57Cd
This is a fandub of "Guardians of Pondonia", originally created, animated and voiced by Shawn Keller of Margarita Paranormal, fandubbed with permission. Go check out his YT ...
[Collab Fandub, Comedy] Guardians Of Pondonia - Genderswapped Voices
Regular voices version: https://pony.tube/w/qvKEYhgTiYAKYa7XwNGUqR
This is a fandub of "Guardians of Pondonia", originally created, animated and voiced by Shawn Keller of Margarita Paranormal, fandubbed with permission. Go check out his YT channe...
The Need for a Brother - A Rise of the Guardians Fanfic
Sometimes when bad things happen, you gotta just... forget about it and move on. Like, really quickly. Before you even know what's wrong.
Read it yourself here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8773910/1/The-Need-for-a-Brother
Public SDC Disc...