1684 videos
MODULO 1.1 - Le infrastrutture digitali (e-Infrastructure) - Gabriella Paolini
MODULO 1.1 - Le infrastrutture digitali (e-Infrastructure) - Gabriella Paolini
In questa lezione viene introdotto il tema delle infrastrutture digitali. Viene data la definizione di Infrastrutture digitali per la ricerca e l’educazione, spiegando...
Modular Techno Jam Session I
Excerpts from a Jam session using modularsynth and drumachine + Fx pedals. This session has been recorded into a field recorder and later on mastered.
Modular Experiments - Square Drive
What started as an experiment with Disting's VCO mode, evolved into a Pamela's New Workout and Permutation road trip, with Plaits modulated into a funky square; and Manis Iteritas on the drums. All piped into VCV Rack, adding some extra reverb and...
Modular Experiments - On Rails
Monsoon processing the output of Manis Iteritas makes for some great train travel vibes.
Powered By
- Noise Engineering Manis Iteritas
- Mutable Instruments Plaits
- Monsoon
- Greyscale Permutation
- Pamela's New Workout
- Erica Synths Pico D...
Modul 4.1 zum E-learning-Kurs "Wer sieht mich?"
Modul 4.1 zum E-Learning-Kurs "Wer sieht mich?", bei dem der LfDI mit der Landeszentrale für politische Bildung (LpB) kooperiert.
Infos zum E-Learning-Kurs der LpB in Kooperation mit dem LfDI: https://www.baden-wuerttemberg.datenschutz.de/wer-s...
Modul 3 zum E-learning-Kurs "Wer sieht mich?"
Modul 3 zum E-Learning-Kurs "Wer sieht mich?", bei dem der LfDI mit der Landeszentrale für politische Bildung (LpB) kooperiert.
Infos zum E-Learning-Kurs der LpB in Kooperation mit dem LfDI: https://www.baden-wuerttemberg.datenschutz.de/wer-sie...
Modular Experiments - A Short Hop
An ambling journey, driven by Expert Sleepers' Disting EX; with three of bOSC's waveforms modulating together.
Powered By
- Pamela's New Workout
- Expert Sleepers Disting EX
- Mutable Instruments Plaits
- After Later Audio bOSC
- After Later Audi...
MODULO 1.2 Internet: definizione di una rete a pacchetti, pile protocollari - Gabriella Paolini
MODULO 1.2 Internet: definizione di una rete a pacchetti, pile protocollari - Gabriella Paolini
In questa lezione viene spiegato come è fatto e come funziona Internet. Partendo dal concetto di bit, si definisce cos’è una rete, si spiega cos’è un ...
MODULO 4.2 - Grid e Cloud computing - Serena Pastore
MODULO 4.2 - Grid e Cloud computing - Serena Pastore
Il corso fornisce una breve panoramica dei principali modelli (paradigmi) di sistemi di rete distribuiti sviluppati negli ultimi anni (grid computing e cloud computing) per la condivisione di g...