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97 videos

A History Lesson of Media Manipulation

I've done a rant, narrated an excerpt from "The Holocaust in Rwanda - Media Manipulation", and presented my commentary:

Music Credit by Noc...

2025-02-20 New York Times - Opinion | Germany’s Far-Right Comeback

Germany is a world champion at confronting its own history. Through memorial after memorial, the country has attempted to atone for its atrocities during the Holocaust and World War II. “Never again” has become a nationwide slogan.

In the Opini...

✡️ NY Arrest Warrant for Holohoax Questioner ❗

Super Zionist Whore-State NY, as always, serving their Jewish Masters❗

🔻German Rudolph was apparently arrested as claimed by Jake Shields:

“Germar was arrested right after I announced he was debating the holocaust on my podcast. In 2005 be ...

🔻The 6 Million 𝕳𝖔𝖑𝖔𝖍𝖔𝖆𝖝 was ALWAYS just

for the ILLEGITIMATE Squatter Colony on Palestinian lands❗

✡■ It's their PSYCHOTIC invention to justify the EXTERMINATION of the people who already live on that land!


♦ Holocaust or Holohoax, you be the judge:


FernClipz 2022-05-29 feat Joey Gibson & Tiny Toese

Fernbaugh introduces a clip of Patriot Prayer nazi-collaborator Joey Gibson & fascist holocaust-denier Tiny Toese doing some clumsy MMA moves on one ...

✡️ The 𝕳𝖔𝖑𝖔𝖍𝖔𝖆𝖝 narrative had ALWAYS

but ONE Purpose;
to justify the existence of the ILLEGITIMATE SQUATTER COLONY on Palestinian Lands,
and the EXTERMINATION of the Palestinians who are in THEIR way❗


♦ Holocaust or 𝕳𝖔𝖑𝖔𝖍𝖔𝖆𝖝, you be the judge:


Panopticon - ...Speaking...

Band: Panopticon
Album: Panopticon
Song: ...Speaking...
Year: 2008


The ability to speak brings value to a life. The ability to beg,plead ,rationalize.
Jaws that embrace the horror of this silent holocaust. Desecrate the earth wit...

Online Communist Forum 28-1-2024

1 Are we in a 'pre-war world'?

2 (34.20) 'Citizens Army' and the left

3 (42.40) Israel, ICJ and UNRWA

4 (49.40) Holocaust memorial day and anti-Semitism smears

5 (57.50) Trump verdict - still on track to win

Anonymous - Call To Action OpNSA

To Note: More than 50 million lives were lost as a direct result of the Nazi War Machine during the war and years to follow after the Holocaust began. We MUST take to action brothers and sisters. To save our country and to save oursel...

The Truth About World War II

Communists (jews, Bolsheviks, Marxists) were always given a pass (for the millions of deaths to Whites, Christians) while Germans have been held liable, for decades, for the deaths during "the holocaust".

That has been the biggest scam on the...