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Little GIANT Killer - trailer - King of Poland DRAG RACE CUP VW Garbus II Miejsce w klasie DRAG RWD

Tak, dobrze widzicie. Błażej wywalczył garbusem II miejsce w klasie - wygrywając z dragsterem na bazie Dodge'a Challengera... Cała historia w pełnym filmie niebawem.

The GIANT Metro Expansion You've Never Heard of | Istanbul Metro

Special thanks to Oğulcan Er, Mert Ertuğ, & Loccus Loccus for helping with this video!

We've talked about a lot of different metro systems around the world, but none that seem to be growing as fast and as much as the Istanbul Metro. Watch the lat...

First Giant on Rings

via YouTube Capture

Irish Giant 😍☘️ Via: mashfield747 (TikTok) Follow @euphoriaguys for more tiktoks🥰 . . . [C4gb8QAS69P]

Irish Giant 😍☘️
Via: mashfield747 (TikTok)
Follow @euphoriaguys for more tiktoks🥰
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