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Flipboard Dot Social

Hosted by Flipboard co-founder and CEO Mike McCue, Dot Social is a new podcast and video series spotlighting leaders at the forefront of the open social web movement. Mike and his guests will explore the evolution of the internet and how new open standards, like ActivityPub, can forever change the Web and the world of social media.

Kate Making Waves

My name is Kate Hildenbrand. I'm a marine ecologist and conservationist. My goal is to create a space where normal humans can learn about this beautiful blue planet, to understand and see the beauty of the ocean, and to feel like they can make a difference. It's not too late to affect change. We need to demand change now, to scream for it until governments, industry, and lobbies are forced to listen.

StreamArtStudio / UKRAiNATV

StreamArtStudio / UKRAiNATV it's an experimental participatory TV, StreamArt LAB and group of artists and researchers run by ASP KRK, Fundacja36,6. It's emerged at the outset of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, giving rise to the UKRAiNATV international team, solidarity activity and tests for the StreamArt ideas, which all brings together art, activism, and technology. Broadcasting live from the #StreamArtStudio in Krakow (PL), it creates a hub for war-displaced refugees and global enthusiasts, evolving into a multi-platform outlet for young voices often unheard in traditional media. Through innovative technologies, it blurs the boundaries between the real and the virtual, nurturing a 'glocal' space that celebrates diversity. The collective serves as an engine for social change, reshaping narratives concerning war, media, art, and hybrid togetherness...їnatv

Kim Robinson Yoga


Kim Robinson is a Yoga Teacher based in Germany, passionate about helping other women to transform their lives & mental well-being. Her focus is on using the teachings of Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra to inspire YOU to live your life connected to your inner power.

Kim believes that everyone deserves to have a life of happiness, purpose and fulfilment. And it doesn’t have to take years, either.

Let her show you that you can create amazing change and transform your life through new methods!

Kim Robinson Yoga


Kim Robinson is a Yoga Teacher based in Germany, passionate about helping other women to transform their lives & mental well-being. Her focus is on using the teachings of Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra to inspire YOU to live your life connected to your inner power.

Kim believes that everyone deserves to have a life of happiness, purpose and fulfilment. And it doesn’t have to take years, either.

Let her show you that you can create amazing change and transform your life through new methods!

Human Connection

Human Connection – das gemeinnützige soziale Netzwerk, das jedermann jeden Tag dazu einlädt, positiv zu denken und Gutes zu tun! 100% gemeinnützig, 100% Fokus auf lokalen und globalen positiven Wandel, 100% lösungs- und ergebnisorientiert.

Human Connection, a non-profit organization and an upcoming social network inviting everyone, every day, to think positive and take action for a better world. 100% non-profit, 100% focused on local and global positive change, 100% solutions and results-orien


heropunch is an mutual aid cooperative. our goal is to apply our knowledge and skills to create new, cheaper ways for people to work and play together. the future doesn't have to be a shitty place, we can make a difference! maybe not on a global scale, but we can change the bits that matter: our communities, our homes, our personal way of life. by focusing on small, actionable goals we can build a better world: one small step at a time.


We are a site that produce media from within social struggles in Slovenia and provide space for others producing alternative and movement based media in Slovenia and elsewhere. We are not journalists, nor do we aspire to be journalists, we are activists who like playing with media tools. Other people and groups participating will have different social positions, but media here will always be from struggles that are common, open, anti-fascist and oriented towards progressive social change.

Our platform is an attempt to provide better access to issues, events and perspectives ignored by other media. We see our production as research into invisible and misunderstood social conditions. Media in this capacity plays a critical role in opening social conflicts by exposing social contradictions and isolation, oppressions, exploitations and social, political and economic injustice. Media is one way we chose to speak truth to power and engage in social debate.

Emiliano Altera

Emiliano moved to Stockholm from Buenos Aires in 1983. In 1986, he was introduced to hip hop culture through the film Style Wars which was shown on Swedish television. It inspired Emiliano to start painting graffiti mainly along the northern commuter train line in Stockholm.

In 1998, Emiliano moved to Florence, Italy where he attended The Florence Academy of Art. In 2001, Emiliano started at the documentary film school Norden in Chile, via Biskops Arnö. Followed by the advanced course: Film for change.

In 2011, Emiliano started with art film. Where he began experimenting with sound film without dialogue in various independent projects.


Burning Precinct

The police gun is always breathing down our neck, and we must find a way to account for public safety and push them out of our lives. So this is a playlist of rad anti-police workout music called "Burning Precinct" to keep, or get, in shape! (Yes, this is a nod to "Burning Cop Car",

I will feature 30 minutes of a chosen genre per "episode", and the music will be chosen based on one or more of these themes:

ACAB, Anarchism, decolonization, anti-racism, anti-patriarchy, revolution, and self improvement.

It's more important than ever to get pumped by music to affect change!