Sepia Search

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1684 videos

MODULO 2.2 - WiFi - Luigi Alfredo Grieco

MODULO 2.2 - WiFi - Luigi Alfredo Grieco

Nella lezione sul WiFi verranno esaminate le tecnologie chiave nei sistemi di comunicazione wireless in area locale. Saranno descritte le peculiarità dei sistemi WiFi con particolare riferimento allo stand...

MODULO 1.3 - Internet Protocol, Indirizzi IP, DNS, Registri, IPV6 - Gabriella Paolini

MODULO 1.3 - Internet Protocol, Indirizzi IP, DNS, Registri, IPV6 - Gabriella Paolini

In questa lezione si entra nello specifico di Internet, affrontando elementi fondamentali per il funzionamento della rete come gli indirizzi IP, il DNS e i nomi...

Modul 2 zum E-learning-Kurs "Wer sieht mich?"

Modul 2 zum E-Learning-Kurs "Wer sieht mich?", bei dem der LfDI mit der Landeszentrale für politische Bildung (LpB) kooperiert.

Infos zum E-Learning-Kurs der LpB in Kooperation mit dem LfDI:

Modulating Material — Artist Talk for Vector Hack Festival, 2020

An artist talk I did about my work with cymatics and ferrofluid, for the 2020 edition of Vector Hack Festival:

Modular Experiments - Mutations

Using Permutation as an instrument to generating melodies and progressions live. Stretching the ES-9's legs a bit more by piping a Plaits channel into VCV Rack for a filtered delay effect and back into the synth for mixing; also a subtle bassline ...

How a modem works

Learn how a modem works.

Modular Experiments - Seq Crunch

A crunchy ambient noise experiment using my newly built Division 6 Dual Sequencer.

Powered By

  • Pamela's New Workout
  • Mutable Instruments Plaits
  • Division 6 Dual Sequencer
  • Noise Engineering Manis Iteritas
  • Monsoon
  • Erica Synths Pico DS...