181 videos
Hannover: Hydro Guardians - Detect to Protect (2024) - Project Promotion [English]
Title: Hydro Guardians - Detect to Protect
Description: In a world where invisible forces of contamination present a challenge to our health and environment, we must recognize and address antibiotic and metal residues as silent adversarie...
HUST-UEVE-UPSaclay: Aqua Guardian^2: PET Degradation and Double Enrichment System (2024) - Team Presentation [English]
Title: Aqua Guardian^2: PET Degradation and Double Enrichment System
Description: Celebrated for its chemical stability, waterproofing and light weight, plastic plays an integral role in modern society, with global production reaching 367...
hollow knight #2 cáscara guardiana @ cruces olvidados
me cargo al que creía que era el 1er jefe en el 15:20 ✌️
Original "Los Guardianes del Universo" en Frances.
Muchos Pensarán que lo del Tema "Los Guardianes del Universo" fue un Mero Invento de la primera Transmisión de Saint Seiya en España y Latinoamerica, pero meramente no fue así. "Les Chevaliers du Zodiaque", que es el mismo título que tiene la Seri...
Shaping the guardians of cleanliness_ PTTI's immersive sterile processing training
Shaping the guardians of cleanliness_ PTTI's immersive sterile processing training
Shaping the guardians of cleanliness_ PTTI's immersive sterile processing training
Shaping the guardians of cleanliness_ PTTI's immersive sterile processing training