60 channels

Human Connection
Human Connection – das gemeinnützige soziale Netzwerk, das jedermann jeden Tag dazu einlädt, positiv zu denken und Gutes zu tun! 100% gemeinnützig, 100% Fokus auf lokalen und globalen positiven Wandel, 100% lösungs- und ergebnisorientiert.
Human Connection, a non-profit organization and an upcoming social network inviting everyone, every day, to think positive and take action for a better world. 100% non-profit, 100% focused on local and global positive change, 100% solutions and results-orien

heropunch is an mutual aid cooperative. our goal is to apply our knowledge and skills to create new, cheaper ways for people to work and play together. the future doesn't have to be a shitty place, we can make a difference! maybe not on a global scale, but we can change the bits that matter: our communities, our homes, our personal way of life. by focusing on small, actionable goals we can build a better world: one small step at a time.

Unbias The News
Unbias the News is a feminist newsroom that fights against the perpetuation of racist, sexist and ableist stereotypes. We open up the field to emerging voices and local journalists who have not yet had the privilege to publish at big legacy outlets due to structural barriers or discrimination. We are an all-women team, publishing together with indie news outlets in Africa and Asia. Feeling part of a global movement, we join forces for a more equitable and inclusive world of journalism.
Our stories

At least at a gas station you can refuel freely or have fuel easily delivered to you if you are stranded due to low fuel. That's much better than seeing repeated error messages during recharging attempts (if the evil establishment wishes to deny recharging success to whoever they despise) or even worse: having your EV randomly explode.
This channel is simply opening the eyes of all who have been deceived into buying into all the EV (electric vehicle) hype that's being peddled on an ongoing basis by various (puppet) statesmen who bow to the agenda of their puppeteers who have falsely deemed themselves "global elites". However, their false claims no longer holds weight. It's all a big game (i.e., a political snow job)!

Vorträge des AK Digitalsierung der BUNDjugend
Vorträge und Workshops die von unseren Mitgliedern gehalten wurden.
Der AK Digitalisierung der BUNDjugend kämpft für eine ökologische und soziale Digitalisierung. Das heißt: Suffizienz, freie Software/Hardware, Open Data, Right to Repair, transparente Lieferketten und Algorithmen, Postwachstum und ein gutes Leben für alle.
Wir sind auch auf Mastodon: https://climatejustice.global/web/@BUNDjugend_ak_digi
Unser Wiki: https://wiki.bundjugend.net/doku.php
Wir auf der BUNDjugend-Website: https://www.bundjugend.de/thema/digitalisierung/
Material zu digitaler Suffizienz: https://www.bundjugend.de/projekte/mit-suffizienz-zum-guten-leben-fuer-alle/digitale-suffizienz/
Grundsatzposition (2019): https://www.bundjugend.de/wp-content/uploads/A4NEU_Digitalisierung_-_sozialvertraeglich_und_oekologisch.pdf
Open Source Selbstverpflichtung: https://www.bundjugend.de/wp-content/uploads/A2-Bevorzugte-Nutzung-und-Erstellung-freier-Software.pdf

Future Electronics
Future Electronics is a world-class leader and innovator in the distribution and marketing of semiconductors, passives components, interconnect, solid state lighting and electromechanical products. Having served the electronics industry for over 40 years, Future Electronics is uniquely positioned as a truly global distributor of electronic components supporting customers of all sizes.

Introduction to Technology
Technology education is essential in today's rapidly evolving world, as it equips individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in an increasingly digital society. From coding and cybersecurity to artificial intelligence and data analysis, understanding technology fosters problem-solving, creativity, and innovation. It prepares students for high-demand careers, enhances critical thinking, and promotes adaptability in the face of technological advancements. Moreover, technology education bridges the digital divide, ensuring equal opportunities for all to participate in the global economy. By integrating technology into learning, we empower future generations to become informed, capable, and responsible digital citizens.

Rebelact the Amsterdam Rebel Clowns
Creating unpredictable situations. Acting to rebel. Mirroring the ones in power.
Mixing activism, art, humour and media. Trying. Failing. Trying again. Doing better.
Contributing to another political cultural climate. Joining the movement for global justice

Misterfox (Miroir Youtube)
Miroir de la chaîne Youtube MisterFox
Je parle de doublage, de cinéma et de DVD. Mais surtout de doublage.
Et j'aime 22 Jump Street aussi. Abonne-toi ;) !
Les différents formats de la chaîne (encore en production) :
- Parlons VF (≈ 30 minutes) : Analyse et critique d'une version française (film, animé, série, jeu vidéo), présentation de son équipe et regarde porté sur un phénomène global à travers cet exemple.
- La F.A.Q du Doublage (5-10 minutes) : Vulgarisation et réponses aux différentes questions autour du monde du doublage posées sur Twitter. Existe aussi en format long (Tout sur le doublage).
- Redub (10-20 minutes) : Explications sur le redoublage d'un film, série, etc. et comparatif entre les deux doublages.
- Zapping YouTube (+90 minutes) : Review annuelle de tout ce qui s'est passé dans mon YouTube francophone !
- Vlogs, vidéos cinéma et lives réguliers.

Week 42
42 is the "Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything"
Week 42 is the week of the year where the brightest computer in known universe, focuses it's abilities, and decide on the future path.
We - the human race - are that computer. However, our collective attention and expertise are spread throughout time and geographics, and the result are close to a collective attention deficit disorder.
Supporters of Week42 all stop what we are doing one week a year, and make a serious attempt at communicating a global answer.