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Les histoires d'Odysseus

Histoires illustrées pour les enfants sous licence Art Libre.

Une chaine est spécifiquement dédiée à Abel et Bellina :

XMPP Meetup Videos

Videos bzw. Vorträge von Veranstaltungen zum Thema XMPP, zum Beispiel vom XMPP Meetup Berlin oder anderen.

DM 2- Tiles to Tessellation



MoA Design Research Studio

Professor Dr.-Ing. Karola Dierichs I Jessica Farmer, BA I Felix Rasehorn, MA I Dr. Mareike Stoll – weißensee school of art and design berlin I Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Elaine Bonavia, MSc – weißensee school of art and design berlin

Professor Dr. Mason Dean I Dr. Michaela Eder I Johanna Hehemeyer-Cürten, MA I Charlett Wenig, MA I Binru Yang, MSc – Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces I Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Professor Dr. John Nyakatura Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


Hi, here I post videos about urban planning, landscaping and architecture in Berlin.


Wizard Amigos is a global community of self-employed nomadic developers, technologists, creators, problem solvers, thinkers, activists, researchers, artists, and individuals from diverse backgrounds who share a common passion for technology and open collaboration. The community was founded in Berlin in 2014 and has since expanded its reach to welcome participants from around the world.

At its core, Wizard Amigos is dedicated to promoting open source, open data, and open organizing. The community is focused on fostering digital literacy, financial literacy, sustainability, and entrepreneurial skills. Members come together to learn, collaborate, and work on various projects and initiatives.

One key ingredient or foundational aspect in the community is, that everyone is trying to converge to a common stack as much as possible in all fields relevant to Wizard Amigos.

Wizard Amigos hosts a variety of events, including meetups, co-learning workshops, and code camps.

bauhaus 4.0

The Bauhaus 4.0 project aimed to generate general learning materials from the knowledge base and share them under the CC BY-SA (Creative Commons Attribution - Share Alike) license.
Through the Bauhaus 4.0 project, initial video tutorials/Open Educational Resources (OER) have been published under this license on the Weißensee peerTube platform, in the channel More will be added shortly. Additionally, a short film about the project has been created, which can be used for informational purposes about the project by the public and within the university (on social media and online platforms).

UdK tuesday

Welcome to the video archive of UdK Tuesday WS24/25
Public Lectures on Bauwende and architecture Field in the Climate Crisis.

22.10.2024 Gustav Düsing
29.10.2024 Amy Karle
05.11.2024 Ben Pohl / Denkstatt sàrl
19.11.2024 Enrique Sobejano
26.11.2024 Roberta Burghardt and Dagmar Pelger / coop disco
03.12.2024 Mould x Klasse Klima
10.12.2024 Nina Peters and Eva Maria Friedel / Bauhaus Erde
17.10.2024 Something Fantastic
14.01.2025 Ulrike Dix / AFF Berlin
21.01.2025 Helga Blocksdorf
28.01.2025 UdK Tuesday Reflectionlectures and conversation in architecture


Chaîne vidéo du site Frandroid - spécialiste de l'information sur les produits tech (smartphones, TV, ordinateurs...). Retrouvez tous nos tests d'appareils, du smartphone à la trottinette en passant par les casques audio et les écouteurs sans fil, mais aussi notre avis sur les actualités du moment.

Vous pourrez découvrir également tous nos reportages et comparatifs en direct des principaux salons comme le CES à Las Vegas, le MWC à Barcelone ou l'IFA à Berlin.