830 videos
Why synthetic biology is awesome
"speakerId": "6",
"description": "Why is biology awesome? What is the power of nature? Drew Endy brings his unique visions on how he approaches the complex beauty of the living world, provocative questions about the future of synthetic biology, ...
Telling synthetic biology stories
"speakerId": "30",
"description": "Grace was, just like you, an iGEMer. Chemical engineer turned storyteller, designer, and art director Grace Chuang shares with you her story from iGEM to managing the brand and visual design of the world's top ...
CityU_HK: Synthetic Biology of Natural Products: Genomics-Driven Derivatization ... (2021) - Team Presentation [English]
Title: Synthetic Biology of Natural Products: Genomics-Driven Derivatization of Variecolin.
Description: Despite recent advances in medical science, humans are still facing some global health challenges, including emerging infectious dise...
OUC-Haide: Synthetic Biology-Enhanced β-Glucan Production for Reducing Antibioti... (2024) - Project Promotion [English]
Title: Synthetic Biology-Enhanced β-Glucan Production for Reducing Antibiotic Use in Livestock
Description: Livestock farming has long been essential for providing high-quality protein and other animal by-products. Antibiotics are extensi...
CAFA_China: Synthetic Life‘s Kill Switch (2022) - Project Promotion [English]
Title: Synthetic Life‘s Kill Switch
Description: We are CAFA-China, the first team from the Academy of Fine Arts in the history of iGEM in China.
Our design is based on the kill switch. When the bacteria are induced to rupture, the β-gala...
CityU-HongKong: UCCKE's Synthetic Biology Workshop (2024) [English]
A synthetic biology workshop that allows students to gain a deeper understanding of how synthetic biology can be leveraged to address real-world challenges, such as ensuring the safety and quality of critical medical treatments. Students will also...
Liuan-Shanghai: Synthetic Biofilms: A Greener and Safer Solution for Food Preser... (2023) - Team Presentation [English]
Title: Synthetic Biofilms: A Greener and Safer Solution for Food Preservation
Description: Food waste has been on the rise, prompting the development of food preservation films using biopolymers. However, these materials lack antibacteria...
Developing Synthetic Biology Designs using ShortBOL - iGEM 2020 Opening Weekend Festival
The Synthetic Biology Open Language (SBOL) is an emerging synthetic biology data exchange standard, designed primarily for unambiguous and efficient communication of data about synthetic biology designs, builds and tests. However, preparation of S...